Random Hufflepuff x Draco

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(Yes I know wrong fandom but shush child)

The first year Hufflepuff ran down the hall with a bright smile on their face with a box of homemade brownies in their arms. The box was still warm so it left her sweater toasty against her arms.

"Draco!" Y/n called out happily. The second year Slithern turned with a slight tch as they watched the muggle born run towards them.

"Yes?" Said boy sneered.

"Hi!" She squeaked with a smile, "You don't know me but I'm y/n! I wanted to congratulate you on your win last night! Here," she gave him the box. "They're fresh from the oven, my own recipe! I hope you like them!"

Draco opened the box seeing all the brownies delicately placed. He drowned his small smile out before walking from from the girl mumbling something about mudbloods. Out of the corner he still saw the Hufflepuff waving at him with a bright innocent smile before running off.

"Mother will have to explain this feeling," he grumbled with a small blush as he ate a brownie.

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