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Jaemin woke up.

It was 8:47AM

He woke up late.

His alarm didn't wake him up because he forgot to put one on.

Or he just sleep through them.

He rushed to get ready.

He quickly brush his teeth, put on his clothes and comb his hair.

He then tripped on something.

Jeno's shirt.


He forgot to wash it.

Oh... boy.

Was Jaemin fuckes this time?

Yes. Yes he was.

After a minute of just staring at it he threw it in the washing machine.

And walked down stairs.

He decided to just eat since he was already an hour late almost two. But it didn't matter.

His mom left to work.

So he was alone.

He hated to be alone.

He hated the silence.

It made him think too much.

And he'll cry.

Thinking it's all his fault.

Even when it's not. He'll think of a way that he was involved and blame it all to himself.

It was already 9:36AM

He then decided to go to school.

He walked there it was a long walk but he made it eventually.

He remembered to put the shirt in his backpack so it won't get dirty.

Jaemin was walking peacefully and felt good.

He thought.
It was going to be a good day.

As he got to the gates, they asked his for his ID.

He then got inside and continued to walk inside the building.

But before he can do so.

Someone pulled his aside.

And made him fall near the mud.

And he had just barely finished washing.

"Jaemin...so I heard what happened in the cafeteria yesterday. Tell me...
how did you avoided it?"

They grabbed Jaemin a collar.

"I-I don't know."

"Don't make me repeat myself Jaemin! Tell me how. I've been trying to win his love for me. Yet he doesn't even notice me!"

"I-I'm Sorry. I'd j-just don't know."

Her name is Himi.

The schools most popular and most rich.

"Give me your pack back. Now!"


She snatch it away from Jaemin.

She opened it up and saw Jeno's shirt.

"My.My.My. What do we have here. Isn't this Jeno's shirt? Why do you have it. Haha. Your such a slut for him."


Jaemin was speechless. He couldn't udder one word out.

"I? Well whatever. I just want to see the look on his face when I gIve it to him. He would Definitely fall in love with me. Bye bye loser. Also tell your mom. Stop coming by our house for money. Sheesh you guys are such beggars"

Jaemin watched as she left and he started to cry.

He isn't fragile.

But when someone speaks about his family or something like that.

He just can't help but cry.

Honestly can this day get any worse?!?

He then got up and walked to his locker.

He opened it and saw a note that fell out.

He bend down to get it and he opened it.

'Don't trust anyone. Not even yourself'


Right when he was about to close the note.

A hand blinded his vision.

And and closed his nose.

Right before he knew it,

He pasted out.

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