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Jaemin woke up. From his terrible nightmare from the past. He cried a little and wiped his tears away.  He got up from his bed and felt dizzy his legs were wobbly and he fell to the ground. He couldn't get up. No matter how hard he tried he stayed in the same position. After a few minutes he managed to get up and instead of staying home he left to school. He wore whatever he touched and just went with the flow.

He went to school were everyone was still staring at him and just laughing at him. Jaemin was used to this but he was not used to renjun leaving him and treating him like shit. Jaemin knew better but he took a risk. He just looked down as he entered the school and started to walk fast. His head was filled with stars but he ignored that and right as he was about to enter his class he was grabbed by the wrist and dragged out and he could of easily pulled away but right now in his state he couldn't.

He was thrown into a empty classroom with 3 men in total. He was on his knees while the two boys held him down. The guy held a camera out and recorded it. This brought back memories that still haunt him. They guy went up to jaemin and grabbed his chin and looked at him. This scared him and he want to look away but he couldn't. "What nice eyes you have. I always wanted to see you this miserable and so useless." 

"Come on boss. We wanna play too." one of the guys that was holding down jaemin said. 
"Calm down. For now strip him." 

"W-What no s-stop." jaemin said. He couldn't move right nor could he stop them. 
They took of jaemin's pants and shirt.  "Huh? what is this. I heard your such a slut and would open your legs for anyone. And this proves i'm right." The 'boss' said and touched the places that Jeno marked. "Oh god. can't i have him boss?! I can't anymore." The guy said.
He smiled and said "All yours."  

The two men laid jaemin down and started to do nasty stuff to him. "Ah please s-stop. L-Let me go." Jaemin cried out. This time jaemin was seeing darkness and his vision was getting blurry and blurry. He snapped out of it and before they can get more further he pushed them away and grabbed his belongings and ran to the bathroom and ran into a stall. He quickly put his clothes on good thing everyone was in class. He stayed in the bathroom and wiped his tears away. He got up and as he opened the door to get out he saw...jisung? Haechan? He didn't remembered who it was because he passed out.

Jeno's POV   (3rd person)

"Stupid class. I'd rather be toying with jaemin." jeno said. 
"Then go. We aren't stopping you." Chenle said.
"Bro shut up. Y'all making me want to kill you." Haechan said.
"What the fuck? i swear mark like you deserve an award for dealing with his annoying ass. I would of dumped his ugly ass a long time ago" Jeno said.

Heachan then hit jeno. 
"run that by me again. Imma slap the goofy out of you." Haechan snapped. 
"Haechan calmed down. Come let's go." Mark said and dragged him out.

Jeno then got up from his seat and said "I'm dipping. Y'all wanna join?"
"No. were good kids. Now go away." Chenle said. 
"Fine then." Jeno sand and walked away.

His go to area is the roof where it is chilly and it has a nice smooth atmosphere. He had to climb up the stairs and across the hallway. He stumbled into an empty classroom and as he was about to open it he heard voices.

 "Huh? what is this. I heard your such a slut and would open your legs for anyone. And this proves i'm right." 

Wtf are they even talking about? 

 "Oh god. can't i have him boss?! I can't anymore."

'Boss?' I'm the boss who the hell does this person think he is?

As he was about to open the door. The other door that was next to him opened. And he saw a butt naked guy running.  He got snapped into reality and he went inside and saw three little pigs. "What the hell did you do? And who is this boss?" 

"J-J-Jeno. We w-were just toying around the t-target.  And w-we recorded h-him" 

Target.  huh? 
Wait. so the butt naked guy was jaemin? 

This made jeno's blood running. 

He went up to the boss and head locked him.

"Who told you to touch what is mine? Do that shit again and there will be no tomorrow for you. Got that? And give me the camera." Jeno said and the two little servants went and gave it to him and before jaemin left he gave them a death glared. 

He Then followed the scent that jaemin has. That vanilla flower scent. He then found him self in the restroom which is reasonable. He then heard jaemin cry and this made his heart feel weird. He walked in front of jaemin stall and as he was about to speak Jaemin opened the door and they made eye contact but before anything can happen Jaemin fell into Jeno arms. And this made jeno's heart do a flip.

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