Part 4

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After another night of observation, Mindy arrived at 8am the next morning to collect her husband and start the long trek back home. 

She honestly didn't know what to expect when she walked into Richard's room - James had sent her a worried text the afternoon before (when she had taken the girls back to Herefordshire). He had spent a few hours at the hospital, trying to improve Richard's mood, before he'd needed to go to pick Sarah up from the airport.

James: He didn't touch a thing - it was even cottage pie too..... I hope he picks up when you get him home, otherwise I don't know what else we can do. It's weird seeing him like this....

Mindy had replied with much the same sentiments - she doubted that there was much they could do. 

She forced a smile onto her face when she walked into Room 618 and found herself face to face with an empty bed. Initially panicking slightly, she relaxed when she heard the toilet flush and the sounds of someone washing their hands.

Despite her best efforts, her smile dipped slightly in shock (and no small degree of sadness) when she took in the state of her husband.

It was clear he hadn't slept - dull, puffy eyes complete with dark circles underneath them testament enough to that. His face was pale and gaunt-looking and his hair was only halfheartedly brushed - as if its owner didn't really care about his appearance today.

He was moving gingerly, betraying the three broken ribs that lay underneath the loose hoodie that he hadn't worn in years. Faded track pants and converse completed the picture, and Mindy wanted nothing more than to take him into her arms and put his broken pieces back together herself.

On raising his head wearily and spotting her, Richard did make a (rather poor) effort to smile at his wife, even walking over and kissing her cheek. As welcome and relieving as the gesture was, Mindy could feel the woodenness behind the smile.

She passed over a thicker coat and waited until he'd put it on before taking his hand and making to leave the room.

"Let's go home" she whispered.

She only got a grateful squeeze of the hand in response.


Richard was quiet on the two and a half hour drive home - almost too quiet for Mindy's liking. She'd tried a few times while they were stuck in London's traffic jams to engage him in conversation, but he'd only given noncommittal answers and appeared distracted. She decided quickly just to leave him alone.

Instead, she put on one of their favourite CDs and watched him out of the corner of her eye as she drove.

As they left the outskirts of London and got onto the motorway properly, she saw him sigh - as if in relief - and lay his head against the window; brown eyes watching the scenery blur past but still not saying a word. When she looked back about twenty minutes later, she saw his eyes were closed and he was breathing softly - but after so many years together she could tell he wasn't asleep.

Nevertheless, Mindy stayed silent and turned her attention back to the road.

It was a blessed relief for the both of them when they pulled into their drive at about eleven o'clock, and Mindy was sure that the familiar sights and sounds of home would bring a smile to her husband's face.

She was half right - the corners of his lips did turn upwards ever so slightly and his dull eyes became that little bit brighter as they rounded the bend in the drive and their home came into view.

They were greeted by a chorus of barks, meows, and whatever noise their peacock made (admittedly as he ran as fast as his peacock legs would carry him around the other side of the stables). Mindy couldn't help but laugh as Captain, TG, Crusoe and Pirate came racing out to greet them properly.

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