Chapter 8: Lake of Hollow (Preview)

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Rossy then pulled out the book and she flipped to the page of where the location be. She narrated everything about the location of the Hydra. She narrated: "the Hydra is always on water but the dragon/hydra is on the biggest lake and this lake is where people who dies goes here for afterlife and this lake is called the Lake of Hollow". Afterlife in this land is also called Hollow and Hollow people wears what they wore when they die. They even carry weapons but they can't attack us since they are now ghosts and they're transparent. We can't even attack the Hollow people. After that night, we then prepare for the fight and went to the road. The road going to the Lake of Hollow was very weird and we kept on seeing ghosts going to the lake. As when we were heading to the direction of the Lake, there was an entrance to the lake but we stopped because of the red eyes we see from a far. We can hear its footsteps heading toward our way. As expected, its another Dark Knight and this time it has an axe. The Dark Knight then slashed the air and a wave of water was summoned. Rossy said: "I can't believe it, he has the axe already". Rossy made a duel between the Knight. Rossy began charging but it was too late to strike because the Hydra from behind shot water explosions from its mouth. The Dark Knight died and Rossy got the axe of the Dark Knight.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2014 ⏰

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