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good morningggg         


i hope you slept well, have fun on your trip 😎


please call me when you go home, maybe I'll come by today 👀

It is already 2 pm and the trip is slowly coming to an end.
I have not been on the phone since this morning and as I expected, Jimin.

good morning chimmy, our trip is soon over and i'm getting very tired.
no idea what's going on with me today :(

are you getting ill? we do not hope so. maybe it's the weather. 😚

i hope so too.
i will text you immediately when i am at home.
we'll hear each other buddy 💜


We all sat in the cafeteria and took a few notes.
Our teacher talked to some of our class about the trip.
I can not wait to finally put myself back in my bed.
Why is the day so strange today?
I have a very bad feeling in my stomach.
Maybe I will be sick after all?

I noticed how someone came to me from behind.
"Is everything alright with you? You look so down today?", asked kyungsoo and put his hand on my shoulder.
I did not know what was wrong with me and I don't want to talk to anyone.
"I'm ok.. I just did not sleep well", I said with my head down.
"You know that you can always talk to me, right?", He said, trying to look at me.
"Yes, I know, thank you. Do not worry about me.", I said, looking at him with narrowed eyes.
He patted my shoulder once more and disappeared back to his seat.
He is a very good friend of mine but currently he has his problems at home.
We text from time to time but our contact has become less since his problems.
I hope he gets better soon.

Jin hyung sits next to me and writes his notes with concentration.
I did not have anything on my sheet yet because I was just unable to do so.
I thought about going home earlier.
After all, we had nothing left to do and I really wanted to go to bed.
"Jin hyung? I will go home now. I'm really not feeling well.", I said and got up from my seat.
"Tae, do you really want to go home alone? I can not leave you alone if you're not feeling well, ", He said with a worried look and got up too.
"No, please do not worry, I'll text you as soon as I'm home.", I said and pulled the chair to the table.
"Promise you text me when you get home?", He looked worried.
"I promise you hyung, could you let the teacher know that I am going now?", I said with a painful look.
He nodded and hugged me.
"Come on, before anything happens to you. If you need me today, then text me immediately", he said with a smile.
"I will, see you. And thank you for telling the teacher. I owe you something hyung.", I said and walked to the exit of the cafeteria.

I realized that I was weak and tired and went to the train station.
Since the train comes here every 15 minutes, I was lucky this time.

I sat down on the bench and waited for the train to arrive.
Next to me were kids from elementary school and I had to grin.
I love children.
If I want some soon, I'll definitely adopt some.
Since I am not heterosexual I will never have any children of my blood.
But I can deal with that, I can not do anything for my sexuality.

Now I'm hungry too, great.
I hope mom cooked japchae, that's what I wanted to eat right now.
After a few minutes , I heard the train finally come.
As soon as I arrive at home, sleep is announced.

When I got home I went upstairs to my room,
it was already 3 pm and had no lunch but I just want to lie down and sleep.
"Taehyung? Why don't you say hello to us? And by the way, the food is ready when you're hungry", called my mother after me.
"Eomma I'm really not feeling well. I'll come later I just have to lie down right now, love you."

When I came in my room and took off my jacket, I lay down comfortably in my bed.
I was still wondering what was going on.
If it is not gone by tomorrow then I will go to the doctor and let it examine.

I wrote Jin hyung that I arrived at home and ignored the rest, because I just wanted to sleep at the moment.

I covered myself and fell asleep surprisingly fast.

"Who the hell is that?", I shouted through the room because I was awakened by a phone call.
I saw everything blurry and tried to recognize the name on my mobile phone.
"Unknown number? I will never answer that.", I said and slapped my mobile phone on my bedside table.

I was still awhile in bed to wake up, because I knew I could not sleep anymore.
I took my phone in my hand and saw that the unknown number has called me several times.

"What the hell? Well, I do not care. I'm sure someone wants to play a joke on me again", I said, reading my unread messages.

I just remembered that jin hyung made pictures of me and I went to my photo gallery.
It's time to be more active on Instagram.


💜 like chimmy95 and 287 other peopletaehyung_vante 📸 by: @eat_jinShow all 43 commentseat_jin little artisttaehyung_vante thanks hyung 😎chimmy95 tell me someone who looks better than kim taehyungtaehyung_vante 🙄💜jeongguk beautiful

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💜 like chimmy95 and 287
other people
taehyung_vante 📸 by: @eat_jin
Show all 43 comments
eat_jin little artist
taehyung_vante thanks hyung 😎
chimmy95 tell me someone who looks better than kim taehyung
taehyung_vante 🙄💜
jeongguk beautiful.. as always
augustd lol what @jeongguk
All the sweet comments .. ah jimin is always one of the first.
Wait .. what? jeongguk?
That can not be true. Am I still dreaming?

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