Chapter 14

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A/N yes most of this will look the same, but please read it through there are some minor changes.

Elizabeth's P.O.V

I glared at father, I can't believe he is suddenly acting so worried about me. For four years, it seemed as though I was a ghost who didn't exist. I had fallen ill for an entire week, and he didn't bother to even come by and visit once. He didn't care then, why does he suddenly care now?

I sighed and looked down to see melidoas wrap his arms around my wasist, and grip tighten in a protective way. I smile to myself and put my arms on his as I leaned back. I could feel his warm chest on my back, I laid my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes.

I was in pure heaven, no one talking, pure warmth, happiness from meliodas hugging me. I sighed in relief and then I felt the car stop. I sat up annoyed and got out of the car, I walked to my room and laid on my bed.

"Princess, are you feeling pain right now?" The maid asked as she slowly opened my door. I looked back at her to see her in the doorway, my father was standing next to her. I sat up and looked around, but I couldn't find meliodas at all.

"Y-yes...? I said confused as to why meliodas wasn't there. I noticed that he turned towards the direction of my father's office, instead of following me. I put my hand on my chin and thought for a moment. That was weird, meliodas never leaves my side, ever. I kept trying to think of reasons as to why he would leave my side.

Wait, why do I feel so empty..? I looked all around me once more, no meliodas. Meliodas has always been there for me, why..? Do I feel empty without him around? Is it because he was always here and now he isn't?

The maid walked over and sat down next to me. Father stayed in the doorway, and he stayed silent as well. Which him being quiet around me was normal, if I remember right earlier today was the first time father talked to me months maybe even years. I looked at the maid who had a book in her hand. The title was 'Demon History,' she pushed the book towards me. I took it and opened the book, I looked back at her confused.

She flipped to the index and pointed at the 'soulmates,' section. I flipped to that section, as soon as I was about to read it, the book was taken away from me. I looked up to see meliodas holding the book and a glare.

I looked over at the maid who visibly shrunk in fear. Father coughed, which caught everyone's attention and walked over to meliodas. Meliodas nodded at him after a few moments of staring at each other melidoas gave the book to father.

He took the book as he walked away from me, he motioned for the maid to follow. She did as she was told, and got up to leave with father. Before she left she turned and smiled at me, which surprised me a bit. That smile it reminds me of the smile diane gave me before she vanished from my life.

I looked over at meliodas who was glaring in the direction of father and the maid. "Why did you do that?" I asked breaking the silence and looking at meliodas. He looked back at me, and he smiled.

"Some things you are not allowed to know till you're 18." He stated as he sat down next to me. I sighed heavily, so I have to wait for two more years.

"I don't want to wait till I am 18, I want to know now," I said in an annoyed tone. He looked at me with shock on his face, but soon it turned into an evil smirk. I leaned back away from him a bit, as he leaned forward.

"Trust me elizabeth you don't want to know till you're 18, also there was a deal struck that you won't be allowed to know till you're 18." He said as he leaned so close, that I was now laying down. He was towering over me as he kept the evil smirk. A deal? Does that mean father and the maid were about to break the deal?

My body felt a little tingly, and it felt as though I wanted to get closer to him. If I am being honest, I don't understand these feelings, they confuse me. He leaned closer so our faces were inches apart, I could feel his breath on my face. It was warm, without my knowledge my body moved forward on its own.

The kiss was soft and short, I wish it could have lasted longer... I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down for another kiss, but this time he kissed back rougher. I held the kiss for a minute or two before he broke the kiss.

I was about to breathe in, but before I could he kissed me roughly. I felt his tongue on my bottom lip wanting to find a way into my mouth. I didn't allow him to enter through, he got a little rougher with the kiss. He put both of my hands on either side of my head and pulled away from the kiss.

He smirked again, he went in for another kiss, again I felt his tongue on my bottom lip. I had no intention of letting him, he didn't seem to like it when I denied him. I felt his hand move from beside my head to my thigh. He rubbed circles on my inner thigh, although he still didn't get in.

I pulled away from the kiss and breathed slightly heavily. That was the longest time we kissed, it finally sunk in that we were kissing. My face turned redder then a tomato and meliodas smirked evilly again. It felt like my body was on fire, and I was still panting.

I didn't like that smirk, it felt like he had a plan for me. A plan that I will not like at all. He leaned in for another kiss, his hand stayed on my thigh rubbing circles. Suddenly he slightly ground down onto my hips. I gasped and he got entrance into my mouth. We battled for dominance, but he of course won.

I could feel his tongue exploring my mouth, it felt nice. I didn't want this kiss to end. His hand moved up slightly higher and he got rougher and sloppier with the kiss. I felt my cheeks heat up more if that is even possible.

He quickly pulled away and sat up looking down at me. He 'tisked' in annoyance and looked over at the door. "Although I would love to continue this I can't tell you're 18." He said in an annoyed tone. The door flew open to reveal diane, king, ban, elaine, escanor, merlin, and gowther. Diane glared at meliodas who leaned down and possessively kissed me.

I could feel the smirk on his lips as he kissed me. I kissed him back as I wrapped my arms around his neck again. I felt him being pulled away from the kiss. I looked up to see ban pulling meliodas away from me.

"Ban what are you doing?" I asked in a confused tone. He looked back at me shocked, then he let go of melidoas. I sat up on my bed and looked over at melidoas who was sitting next to me. Diane, merlin, and I believe her name was elaine. If I remember correctly, she is kings little sister. They were all giving melidoas dirty looks.

They all sat behind me and meliodas. Melidoas moved over to my pillows after he got comfortable he pulled me into his lap. I blushed madly as I looked around to see everyone looking at us. Ban, escanor, king, and gowther were sitting on my couch.

"Why are you guys here...?" I asked confused as I looked at all of them.

"Since the king has allowed us to be friends again, we were hoping that we could all have a sleepover somewhere," Diane spoke up as the rest nodded in agreement. The king does that mean that my father didn't allow them to come over? I don't understand that doesn't sound like father at all. The father I know isn't protective or caring to me in anyway possible.

I sighed and leaned back , I laid my head on meliodas' shoulder and looked over at him. He smiled down at me. Wait. I never did ask.








Why is he suddenly talking to me as if he talked with me this whole time...?

A/N I updated moreeeeeeeeee, also I will not get into actual like....... mature content......... What happened in the book just now is the farthest it will ever go. Maybe lol. 

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