Living with the baker boys

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Chapter 1

Natasha's POV

I saw the police come in and drag him away. He was kicking and screaming, screaming at me. He was telling me how he was going to come back for me. I couldn't say anything. I was still lying on the floor bleeding when the paramedics found me, slipping in and out of consciousness.

The neighbours watched as they loaded me into the ambulance. I knew they had called the police. One too many visible bruises and muffled screams coming from the house had pushed their suspicions over the edge. We had never interacted with each other, but I could see their concerned looks as I limped my way to school every morning.

I could faintly hear the paramedics shouting orders and feel them trying to stop the bleeding, but he had gone too far this time. He had never been so angry. Angry at life, angry at me. I was used to the physical pain, but that didn't mean it hurt any less emotionally. The one man who was supposed to love me unconditionally through absolutely anything had done this to me. My own father had done this to me.


They had released me from the hospital two days ago, under the temporary supervision of my neighbours. I had to stay for a week so they could monitor my condition. I had a severe concussion, three broken ribs, a broken wrist and major blood loss, from where my dad had decided to have some fun with a broken beer bottle.

Now I sat up in my room putting the very few belongings I have into my small suitcase. I was finding it hard to pack up my whole life and move away, even though it had been awful. This house was where I had both my best and my worst memories. It was the only thing linking me to my mom. My life had been so happy and carefree when she was alive, with loving parents and lots of friends. My father had thrown away anything that reminded him of her when she died, because it only made him angrier.

I had become distant from my friends when he had started beating me, eventually cutting all ties with them. We would pass each other in the hallway and exchange glances occasionally, but nothing more. I was so silent and reserved that no one wanted to be my friend. Not that I blamed them. I wasn't the same person anymore.

I shoved my two pairs of jeans, three sweaters, two t-shirts and worn out sneakers into my battered old duffle bag. I then went and got my gymnastics leotard and trophies from their hiding place behind my bed. I zipped up the bag and put it next to my bedroom door.

When I was done packing I went to the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror. I stared at myself for a minute and then grabbed my concealer to cover up all of my bruises. It would be a lot harder to hide my cast on my wrist, but I could always claim I fell down the stairs. Just as I was finishing the doorbell rang. I walked down the stairs slowly, still feeling a dull ache when I moved. I opened the door and saw a middle aged woman I had never seen before standing there. She had medium length blonde hair, bright green eyes and a warm, friendly smile.

"Hi Natasha." She smiled cautiously at me.

"Hello." I said quietly.

She continued to smile kindly at me. "I'm Mrs Baker, but you can call me Louise. I was your mother's friend."

"Um...ok." I said shyly.

"I knew you when you were a baby but you probably don't remember me." She had tears in her eyes. "You're so grown up now."

I nodded shyly, unsure of how to reply.

"Come on then." she walked past me and picked my bag up off the floor. She carried it to her black BMW and put it in the back.

We got in the car and set off for the airport in an uncomfortable silence. I didn't try to make any conversation with her on the journey, and I think she could tell that I didn't want to talk so she left me alone. When we arrived she carried my bag through the airport until we dropped it off at the check in and got on the plane. We found our seats easily and sat down, waiting for the plane to set off.

"So maybe I should warn you before we get there." She turned to face me.

"About what?" I asked quietly.

"Rob and I have a lot of kids."

"How many?" I asked curiously.


"T-t-ten?" I stuttered, not sure I heard her properly.


"Boys or girls?" I asked, being able to get over the shock enough to speak clearly.

Her smile turned into a grin, "All boys," she announced proudly.

All boys? I sat there in shock for a few minutes, unable to wrap my head around the information she'd given me. The only male I'd ever had in my life hated me. What if they all hate me? This is going to be horrible.

She must have seen my shocked face because she tried to console me.

"It will be fine, they'll love you. I need another girl around the house to keep me sane."

I smiled weakly at her attempt to make me feel better but said nothing. I spent the rest of the journey staring out of the window, dreading meeting the Bakers.


Picture of Natasha on the side ->

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