Part one

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It's been a hour now since I have gotten off the plain and my stuff is not here yet, well at least I have my bike

                      ~Time skip~

Two delivery trucks why and which one is mine, I then turn my head and saw a girl with long black hair and glasses standing behind me, and then I saw someone else who was there bike so I ran over to him

Y/n:Hey! Are you Tai

Tai:Yes and you are

Y/n:You forgot me,already it's only been six years


Y/n:It's me Y/n

Tai:Wow you have grown

Y/n:Yup I have

Tai:So how old are you now


Tai:Same age as Kari huh

Y/n:Yeah, anyways why are you dressed like that

Tai:I have a soccer game today

Y/n:Can I go


Y/n:Yeah of course I'm your friend

Tai:Alright,let's go

As we made it to were the game was going to be at Tai was getting ready by doing stretches, but then a giant shadow flew above us so Tai and I got on are bikes and started going after it, it soon tried to strike us but we fell off are bikes it then destroyed my bike

Y/n:Kuwagamon you jerk,you owe me a new bike

Kuwagamon was now charging at us as I close my eyes I hear

?:Pepper breath


I open my eyes and saw Veemon and Agumon standing in front of me

Y/n:Veemon it's you,it's really you it's so good to see you buddy

Agumon:Agumon digivolve to Greymon

Greymon and Kuwagamon were fighting for a while they both disappeared

Okay that's it. Good bye for now

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