Part two

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Tai:Greymon! Hey! Where are you

Tai's phone started to ring so he picked it up

Tai:But, how can I get to Haneda. Listen Kari, you need to...No, forget it. Thanks, that helps

You:So what was that about

Tai:It was about Greymon and Kawagamon


Tai and I turn around and saw a man in a suit with a black van that had a siren on top


Nishima:Get in!

While in the van Nishima had the fight of Greymon and Kawagamon on

Tai:What exactly are you...?

You:Tai does that matter right now at least we are in a black van and not a white one

Veemon:I don't get it

The van skeeted to a stop

Tai:Thank you sir

You:Yeah thanks a lot

We get out of the black van and run to the two massive digimon


Greymon was on the ground defeated, Kawagamon lunches a attack on us but Greymon got up just in time to save us but the impact was so much it blew Tai and I back. Greymon falls down and looks like he won't be back up for a while


You:Well Veemon looks like it's time to  digivol-


Tai and I turn around to be met with Matt, Sora, Izzy, T.K., and Kari with their Digimon

Tai:Your all here

Matt:You don't get it, right

Gabumon:Neither do we

Sora:They suddenly grabbed me

You*In thought*:And you didn't yell stranger danger or use a rape whistle

Biyomon:We just go here

T.K.:You too, Patamon

Patamon:Before we knew it, we were here

Kari:Are you okay, Tai

Gatomon:We'll help you

Izzy:We need to confront the enemy first

Tentomon:Right, let's do it

Palemon:Wait a minute. Where's Mimi

Gomamon:Joe isn't here, either


Two more Kawagamon came out of a portal

Sora:No way three of them

Greymon then turned back into Agumon

You:Okay get ready Veemo-

Matt:Damn it! Gabumon

Gabumon:Gabumon digivolve, to Garurumon

You:Damn it why does this keep happening

Veemon:It's okay just wait

Garurumon then pounced on Kawagamon and knocked him down Garurumon then uses Howling blaster to make the other Kawagamon back away, Kawagamon gets up causing Garurumon to jump off of him the others then split up to fight the other two

Matt:Damn! That was close

You:Yeah no kidding

Kawagamon has now defeated Garurumon

You:Veemon now's your chance digivolve

Veemon:Veemon digivolve to, Veedramon!

Veemon:Veemon digivolve to, Veedramon!

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eedramon:V-Nova Blast!

Veedramon spews a hot wave of energy at Kawagamon

You:Aww that's hot, that's hot

Kawagamon and Veedramon then charge at one another and are now locked in place it takes a while but Veedramon wins and then smacks him with it's tail

Veedramon:V-Nova Breath Max

Veedramon concentrates his energy into one giant energy wave ultimately taking Kawagomon off the face off the earth. Not long after the others get done with the other Kawagamon

Sora:Is it over

T.k.:I'm glade we managed to beat them

Izzy:Yes but look

We all look at the airport that is now in ruins

You:that's alot of damage

Matt:Who are those guys

You:Yeah the way they escorted us and their post-handling is too professional

T.k.:I asked but thesy wouldn't answer

Sora:So much has happened I don't even know what's going on

Izzy:We're totally lacking information

Tai:Actually, Mr.Nishijima is the one who brought me and Y/n here

You:Oh yeah that guy

Sora:From school

Matt:He must be with them. Then maybe we can get some answers from him


?:Palmon! Hello everybody!

Palmon:It's Mimi

Palmon and Mimi then start hugging


Mimi:Did you miss me

Sora:You came back for this battle

Mimi:No, that's not it. I was planning to return anyway. Then I heard about Tais soccer match. Yes that reminds me. Souvenirs for all! The gummi candy I'm  addicted to recently. Weird colors but you can't stop eating them. Mimi's choice. Here Agumon. That'll cheer you up

Agumon then eats it


Veemon:I want one too

Byomon:One for me

Mimi:Eat your fill I have plenty

Mimi:There's plenty for everyone

T.k.:thank you

Izzy:But how do we get back home

You:Good question

Okay that's it. Good bye for now.

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jan 27, 2019 ⏰

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