Chapter 13: I Don't Owe You Anything

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Back in late June

Tonight, Brendon, Audrey and I have found ourselves at a college party at some frat at UCLA. The reason she and Brendon came here anyways was to visit her older sister who's a student here. Her sister was cool enough to get us in but then quickly deserted us to be swallowed up by all of the strobe lights and slightly older partiers than we're used to. Due to the events of the night before last, Spencer has decided to sit this one out and stay at the motel. Even though he was laughing in the moment, those punches really came to hit him once he was sober.

Before Audrey's sister abandoned us, she gave us some orders: Don't stir shit up, and don't mention your age unless you're on the verge of statutory rape.

Seems simple enough.

I'm still a little bit shaken about Spencer, but he insisted that I go out. In fact, we're all being more cautious tonight; we aren't drinking or doing much, and Brendon and I are probably not going to try to sneak away since we don't have anyone to watch Audrey. None of this means that the party is any less pleasant though; Brendon and I have found a nice spot at a plastic cocktail table to talk and drink a little, and we are in perfect view of Audrey who is dancing in the large crowd of people surrounding the DJ's stage.

"We need to find new music to party to soon," I say to Brendon as he takes a sip from his cup. I move to the other side of the table after being shot in the eye with a green laser light one too many times. "These songs are all starting to sound the same."

I see Brendon's eyes crinkle at the corners over the cup. "I would say that you sound like an old man if I didn't agree with you." We both laugh and then he says, "So, what, are you getting sick of this trip yet? It's been what, a month now?"

I think for a second. "Yeah, about. But I've spent longer away from home. Until 6th grade, my dad would send me to Jesus camp for two months out of the summer."

His eyes widen at me. "Oh, wow."

"We're not really religious or anything," I go on, "it was just the longest summer camp that was available so he wouldn't have to deal with me. The last year I went they found out that that Father Harris had like a shit ton of child pornography in his possession, so they sorta shut the camp down." When my dad came to pick me up after getting the emergency early camp shutdown call, the first thing he said to me on the drive was, Those crazy fucking Christians. All they were feeding you was bullshit anyways.

Brendon's eyes widened even more, "Oh, wow."

"Yeah," I feel guilty smiling at that pathetically horrible memory. "I've always been more of an agnostic."

"My parents were raised Mormons," Brendon nods.

"No shit. Are y-"

"Oh, fuck no," he laughs out loud. "They raised my siblings and me with little to no religion because they hated how tough their families were on them about the faith. We'll pray at the table and stuff but only out of my mom's habit." He takes another sip of his drink. "So, just to bring it back to your story, was this awesome little Jesus camp near where you live or..." He waits for me expectantly.

I just smirk and shake my head. "I'm not saying it."

He overdramatically slouches his shoulders and pouts. "Come on. Why not?" Brendon whines.

"I'm not telling you where I'm from. It's a shithole and I don't want to think about it or even utter its name." Spencer and I have been bothering both Brendon and Audrey about this ever since we met them. We both agreed that the likes of Vegas would never leave our lips during this trip.

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