Fionna's training and new friends

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Many years after said events of ice queens little trick... fionna spent the rest of her life training any way possible  and one night... while she was sleeping she was visted by a God.(Don't know a good male name for palutena so just let's call him paul)"Hello miss fionna i have been keeping an eye on you."  Wha- Who are you?!  "Do not be alarmed... im not here to hurt you... but i am here to offer you a chance to  help our cause" What cause is this...?  "you see miss fionna my angel pitina and  birno um they are... not enough to... fight the underworld army... And what makes you think me joining you... will.. be what you need?  Im a god fionna i can  give you enhancments like elemental powers and shapeshifting... do you accept? *Paul holds out is hand* You know what... Sure I mean... i could use a change of pace for  my life..*Fionna took paul's hand and  when she awoke  she was surrounded by paul birno and pitina* paul:let's begin your training then shall we  fionna? who's going to help me train? Paul:pitina will  help you with your training  Hm ok seems fair enough..  let's get this going shall we pitina? 

Pitina:im ready when you are fionna! give me your best shot! *Fionna would run at pitina pulling out her sword and pitina pulls out her bow and broke it in half and they clash  and as they  keep trading strikes with their swords the underworld army  was being relased from from the underworld and  headed for skyworld but little did any of the gang knew that there was a new person commanding the underworld forces paul:something doesn't feel right... *then there was a bunch of underworld forces and it was a big veriety of monsters monoeyes mik's speknose ornes etc, however the orne's errie music is what startled everyone* What's that sound...

Pitina:THE UNDERWORLD ARMY! paul:they're here! pitina birno fionna let's show them who's boss!

*Pitina's power of flight activates as she  fixes her bow to fire arrows at a few monoeyes* 

Finally! some action!

paul:birno cover her! fionna i will give you wings so you can fly!*paul's staff glows and i grew wings and i fly up and birno would start shooting ice projectiles at underworld forces trying to surround pitina* Whoa! so this is what flying is like...

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paul:birno cover her! fionna i will give you wings so you can fly!*paul's staff glows and i grew wings and i fly up and birno would start shooting ice projectiles at underworld forces trying to surround pitina* Whoa! so this is what flying is like! this is pretty neat! thanks Pual!* A entire hoard of underworld forces started to swarm sky world and fionna birno and pitina started wailing on them

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