The rise of the litch and the underworld forces

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Suddenly the sky turned completely black


Fionna fell to the ground when a fem litch Walked  close to her

You are alone, Child.

There is only darkness for you, and only death for your people. These gods are just the beginning. I command a great and terrible army and we will bring destruction to a billion worlds. We will conquer until every light has been extinguished.

You are strong, Child, but I am beyond strength.

I am the end, and I have come for you, Fionna.

*When fionna finally managed to get back to her feet she runs at the litch and punches them in the face and then the litch flew back a few feet* 

Litch! your not going to take over this world! i've beat you once and i'll beat you again!

the litch starts shooting fire at fionna and fionna started dodging while running at the litch taking out her sword then  striking the litch which just blew the litch back a few feet

"you are a naive child... there is no way you can beat me now... especially sense i have a army!"

Good Always triumps over evil! *fionna would jump into  the air and then when she starts falling her sword starts catching on fire and when she lands it makes a fire circle around the litch* 

"GAH!" now...  your going to die and never return litch!*fionna would jump up with her sword hitting her  head up then she kncoks them down* "you are a foolish child... I will always come back! no matter how many times i am beaten! *the litch shoots a fire ball at fionna and would get back up and fionna would run at the litch again and strike their stomach and the litch held there stomach  

Oh give it a rest already...*fionna stabs the litch in the stomach and it turns into a weird ghost thing and goes away forever* 

finally... that's over...paul:good job fionna now let's get you back!*fionna gets sent back to sky world and birno took fionna to the house she'd be living in and little did she know Cake was in the house when she got in cake and fionna shared a hug*


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2019 ⏰

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