Prologue:Where are we

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All that I remembered is explosion in the Divide knocking me and Ulysses out conscious.

Y/n:Where where am I.

I got up from the ground then I took off my helmet to get some fresh air.

My Vision was still a bit blurry it was kind of hard to tell where I was.

But when I got my vision back I noticed that I am in a forest with red leaves.

Y/n:Beautiful this place is but where am I.

???: You mean where are we at.

I turn around to see Ulysses walking towards me with his to eyebots.

Y/n: Ulysses you're alive.

Ulysses:Yes I am but where are we is unknown and where is your machine at.

Y/n: you mean Ed-e I don't know but I know we're not in the Divide because there's no radiation or destroyed trees or buildings.

Ulysses:The only meaning that you are saying is we are no longer in the divide or Mojave.

Y/n:Yes it's the only explanation.

Ulysses: Then what do we do then.

Y/n: We can make a camp for tonight and try to look for the nearest settlement or city.

Ulysses: Very well six I will collect firewood from this place.

Y/n:I'll check around to see if I can find anyone.

Ulysses nodded and went to go find some firewood with as Eyebots.

I pulled out my Riot shotgun then I started walking down a path but not too far down the path so I don't get lost.

???:*Girly scream* GO GO GO.

???:Some on get professor goodwitch.

I ran over to where the screaming and yelling came from but once I got there I saw a strange looking creature.

Ulysses:What is going on.

I pointed at the creature in front of us and he had wide eyes.

Ulysses: I never seen a creature like that before in all of my Journeys.

Y/n:Should we help.

Ulysses:No wr watch and observe we do not know much of this world.


We started watching the battle until a boy with  Knight like armor with a shield and a sword blond hair chopped off the creature's head.


Y/n:Wow that was impress saying very interesting.

Ulysses:Now we should leave.

Y/n:Why there's people right there we can ask.

Ulysses:We shouldn't walk up to random people and ask them for directions or we are we are like you said he should look for a city or settlement.


We then headed back into the woods or forest or whatever this place is called.

(2 hours later)

Y/n:*sigh* how long do you think we've been walking Ulysses.

Ulysses: One or two hours now.

Y/n:Feels longer though.

Ulysses:It does for you probably because you're used to walking pretty much everywhere.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2019 ⏰

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