The Rising Of An Ancient Evil

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It was a dark, stormy day. The clouds were getting bigger, darker, and thicker. Lightning and thunder lit them every few moments, a thunderstorm was threatening its arrival. Only a crack of the heavenly light from above peeked through, but it was being slowly consumed by the overpowering entity of darkness that was growing larger and more evil every minute.

In the midst of all that evil, rode a rider on a dragon. He was carrying something precious in his arms that he could not dare drop, it was very special, for he held it as tight as ever. His eyes focused on the mountain in front of him, it was called the Halls of Satan, for it was rumored so evil that no one ever dared even try to visit. And those who did, well, they never returned. The mountain was the tallest one ever known, at least by the people who knew of its existence. It started at the bottom of the darkest, evillest ocean and descended very high up into the sky until it was swallowed by thunderstorm clouds. 

The Halls of Satin was one of those very dark stories that were too dark for child bedtime stories or even too frightening for ghost stories. It was discussed by the lowest of the low in the darkest corners of the worst towns and villages ever. Even there the word wasn't mentioned much. But it wasn't the mountain that scared everyone when they spoke of themselves, because a mountain does not have halls. It got its name from the big deathly, devilish mausoleum that had many haunted, halls. That was where the true evil essence of the mountain was kept, where the mountain received its evil essence. There was something inside of it that powered its evil so hard, but again, no one knew and it will be said again. No one ever knew what it looked like, on the outside or the inside, but this rider was about to be the first to find out. And he wasn't going to end this mission with losing his life, he was going to live to tell the story. No matter what people said.  

He was quite unsure about what he was going to meet up with in the mausoleum, but he had a job to do, and he didn't care if it involved flying right into the most demonic place ever. His black-scaled dragon with flaming red eyes flapped its large, ghostly wings as they approached the mountain. Finally, the rider landed it on the rocky, deadly mountain. Covered up in a black cloak that covered his face and identity, he jumped off his dragon, petted it on its snout and started through the rocky path leading to the creepy, spooky mausoleum. 

As he reached the steps of the mausoleum, his heart was racing. He couldn't do it. Just seeing it from miles away when he was only flying there already gave him chills, but now as he stood in front of it, the evil essence of the mausoleum was creeping inside of him and rocking his soul with all of the fear ever. But he couldn't back down now, he had his job. He had to deliver this special object he was holding. Slowly, he put down his foot on the first step. 

Nothing happened.

His forehead beaded with cold sweat and breathing shakily, he opened his eyes wide and saw that nothing had changed or occurred. Getting a hold of himself again, he commenced walking up the staircase. A red mist of some kind was floating out of the mausoleum, as if an inferno were in there waiting. He couldn't even see what was inside, no matter how hard he squinted or tried to lean in. There was no need to even try, it was obvious that the only way the mausoleum wanted to be revealed was if you walked right into it. There was no way out of this. The special object had to be delivered; no question about it. He walked in and was devoured by the red mist.

The mausoleum was truly a place for evil. It had so many halls, but they were all had windows somehow, windows with more red mist coming out of it. But although he couldn't see what the windows overlooked, he had a feeling it was something gigantic. The windows were glowing as if the red mist was coming from that gigantic, evil something. He shook off the feeling, but was confused about where to go. He quietly strolled through the halls until he reached a room with many torches that had columns, behind the columns was probably flames, but it wasn't, it was coming from the unknown glowing entity. The room was like a circle, it looked like an arena and had only one stand of rows where an audience could sit and cheer. But this room wasn't secure, where the columns were the floor ended and if you fell off you fell into whatever was waiting below. 

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