Hell Town

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Yilueane popped out a thick pond of mud.

He had run right from the Grim dog and fallen down a steep mudslide. 

Desperately trying to pull the rest of his body out of the mud, he grabbed on to a vine and forced himself out. Suddenly noticing, he realized the book was gone.

"No! No! NO!" He panicked. But it was laying right there in front of him, on a patch of smoldered grass. "Thank Christ! I can't let this precious information out of my hands for one moment!" He exclaimed, quickly picking up the book and wiping off the excess mud. He carefully opened it up and it flipped to the map page. Glowing brighter than ever, Yilueane squinted his eyes and said, "Ow! What does that mean? Why are you glowing like that?" Then he realized that the sparkles on the map were flowing around a fiery, dark spot on the miniature landscape. "What is this?" He asked. "Is this supposed to be my destination?" The name of the destination glistened on top of it. "Hell Town?" He questioned fearfully, he held his breath and looked up slowly. In front of him, a fair distance off, was the gates to a fiery-looking village and big words that looked like they had been scratched on the gates by a demon creature saying: HELL TOWN.

His heart dropped.

"No," He said, his voice weakening. "This can't be right. This must be a mistake. The new hero simply cannot be in such a dark and horrifying place! Send me back! This is a mistake, I tell you!"

"No, child. The prophecy never makes mistakes, and this is what the prophecy says," Prospero's gentle voice echoed in his mind. Hearing his voice calmed down Yilueane. "Stay strong, Yilueane. I believe in you, and you should too. Believe," Prospero's voice comforted him, and it faded away. Trying to steady his shaky breathing, Yilueane stood up straighter and slowly walked through the wet grass to the fiery, big gates. As he approached it, he questioned if he would ever come out of that town again. Would stories be written about him like those other explorers who went to find the Halls of Satin or the Key of Reveal?

He was there. Standing in front of the gates, he prepared himself to knock. He was about to, but the gates creaked open themselves. His heart jumped as the town was revealed. The buildings and houses looked very run down, there were torches all over the place, and the citizens and passerby looked dangerous. Their clothes were torn, they were grimy and dirty, and their eyes looked bloodshot, bloodthirsty and red. A couple of them stopped walking to stare at him, they smiled creepily and licked their lips. Yilueane's face went pale and a chill went up his spine. He quickly jogged off. He hid in an alleyway and took out the book, it was glowing very much, but this time, the sparkles glistening and leaped out of the book. "What?" He gasped, flabbergasted. The sparkles floated off, creating a kind of trail. "What do you mean?" He asked curiously. 

"HEY THERE, DINNER!" A raspy, loud voice shrieked. Yilueane almost jumped 10 feet into the air, a pair of big, raw-looking hands grabbed him. It was a filthy man with a big, grey scraggly beard and hair. He had cuts and scratches all over his face, some still fresh. "What's up, sonny? Are you new in town?" He asked rather fast, as if he were hyper and couldn't stop talking. His gang of just-as-bloodthirsty-and-run-down friends surrounded Yilueane and him. "I-I-I--- I just g-got here, I mean, I-I'm visiting," Yilueane stammered horribly. "Would you like to stay? Would you like to be taken to the human butcher shop and chopped up and thrown into a soup to be cooked into a, oh, oh, a really good tasty scrumptious HUMAN SOOOOOOOUP!!!!!!!!!" The bum man screamed crazily, he shook him madly. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!" Yilueane shrieked at the top of his lungs. "LET ME GOOOOOO!!!!!!" He kicked the man in his crotch and dashed off, disappearing out of their sight. The men cackled loudly in hellish laughter, they sounded like gargoyles from hell. 

Breathing heavily with tears of fright swarming in his eyes, Yilueane fell on his knees and on the ground. "God help me, I am so frightened," He sobbed. The sparkles tickled his face and he looked up, the trail of them led into a big circus tent. His eyes widened. He got up and trotted carefully towards it; loud and creepy circus music was playing. He heard a loud announcer yelling from inside, "Watch him dive, ladies and gentlemen! He is going to do it!" 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2019 ⏰

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