Dawn of a New Hero

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The eyes of a young apprentice burst open and he bolted upright in his bed, cold sweat all over him. He was panting fast, trying to regain himself. He looked around and realized he was awake. But that changed nothing. He had to get this message to The Magical One.

He tumbled out of bed and threw on his long coat that reached the ground, then he crashed out the door of his sloppy, run-down bedroom. He ran as fast as he could until he reached a spiral staircase, he ran all the way up and reached a door with sparkling, glittering, gleaming blue light glistening through the cracks. He whistled and a gleaming blue light flew out of nowhere and into the lock of the door, shining inside like a bright star, and then the door slowly creaked open to reveal a room with open passageways to a galaxy. 

In the middle of it was a very bright gleaming star floating with sparkles coming from it.

But it wasn't a star; it was The Magical One. 

"Master! Awaken from your slumber, master! Please! It is the most desperate of the hours!" The young apprentice called desperately. The blue star gleamed brightly and then shimmered away slowly, revealing a very old and ancient looking wizard floating in a curled up position. He slowly landed, carefully laying his feet on the floor. "I have awakened, young one. Now what is it that you so wish to alarm me with at this hour?" The wizard asked in a gentle, warm, soft and kind voice. 

"Master! Master! A vision came to me during my sleep! I saw something terrifying, the beginning of the end for us all!" The young apprentice cried. "Now, now, young Yilueane. Calm down, and explain this all to me," The wizard, who's name was Prospero replied. "I saw a vision of the Halls of Satin! A hooded man ventured there to give another man this special golden key, and then, and then, AND THEN----" "Contain yourself, child," Prospero said, grabbing him by the shoulders gently. "Just tell me the whole story. What happened next?" 

"Th-th-this m-m-man," Yilueane stammered with great fright. "He leaped into an inferno, but it wasn't an inferno. Instead, instead. . ." He took a deep breath. "He landed in a vast land of corpses, miles and miles of blood and bones and corpses. Images and scenes of terrifying, horrific deaths and torture. And then, there was this, this chest." 

"What chest?" Prospero asked, looking quite concerned. "It was like no chest there has ever been before, or that I know of. I could feel its presence, its tempting presence just pulling me in. But this man, he walked towards it and took out the special key," Yilueane said frightfully. "He put it in and unlocked the chest, and, and released. . .DARKNESS! EVIL! HELL!" Yilueane started freaking out and breathing fast and heavily. "IT'S GOING TO CONSUME US ALL AND TAKE OVER!" He cried. "Calm down! CALM DOWN!" Prospero raised his voice, he released a powerful but pure blast of magic that knocked Yilueane down to the floor. 

Yilueane shook his head and looked up. "Need a helping hand?" Prospero asked, lending his hand to him. He helped him up. "Master, this may well be the end of the world!" Yilueane cried. "What will we do?" "Darkness, evil, and hell, you say?" Prospero asked, putting his hand on his chin. "I believe you have seen the truth of an uprising horror, Chilueane. And a special key, this is more than I expected." "Expected? Wait, you knew this was going to happen?" Yilueane asked in surprise. Prospero didn't answer as he turned around and looked at a shooting star shoot by in the galaxy beyond the columns. "You must have encountered the Key of Reveal in your dream," He continued thoughtfully. "I haven't heard about that key in a very long time." "But this is all just a bad dream, right? Just a nightmare," Yilueane said hopefully. Prospero sighed as he held his hands behind his back and looked down at his feet. "I'm sorry to say, young Yilueane, that your vision was not a simple nightmare," He replied. "And I earlier did mention that you have seen the truth." 

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