Author's Note

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Hello! You can call me Jayden. It's nothing close to my real name, but I'm always Jay when I play Ninjago with my brother. Also, It means "God hears" which goes along with a lot of my writing pieces.

Like most... no, every writer, I second guess myself on every little thing and it's hard to publish something with all those doubts in my mind. My solution? I'm going to write about something I undoubtably love. My faith.

I'm a Catholic Christian, and I love it so much. Please know that I'm not trying to convert you. I just want to express my love for the Church. If you are a Protestant or any other type of Christian; this piece is going to be about the same God you believe in, but I'm going to include things I believe that you probably don't, like the communion of saints, holy Eucharist and such.

Don't be scared away by something new. If you search for and are open to truth then you shall find it. That's what I'm trying to do, and I see it in the Catholic Church. Yes, I'm a "cradle Catholic", but I truly love it and it took time. I've strayed from it, and found it again. This is the truth I have found.

If you are not Christian at all and are just curious, know that you are welcome. If you have any questions, just ask. I'll explain it in the best way I can.

Photos and videos I include are not mine. All credit goes to the people who made them.

Feel free to express your thoughts on the topics I will be illustrating. I'd love to hear your point of view.

Sincerely, Jayden.

P.S.- this is the first writing piece that I'm publishing, so please be patient and tell me if I made any mistakes.

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