Chapter 1

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RWBY is owned by Rooster teeth.

In the land the of Remnant. A young boy in the kingdom of vale while wondering through the streets and coming up to a store called From Dust Till dawn.

Y/n: *chucking* From Dust Till Dawn.

Then a girl in black and red came out kicking a man in all black.

Y/n: There goes dust.

She then gets her weapon out and slams it on the ground then turn off her headphones.

???: Okayyy. Get her!

The rest of he's henchman charge out of the building armed. She avoids an attack and does a full 360 spin and kicks one face first. Two more ran to her. She then pulls the trigger on her gun to spin and swings her weapon upwards sending the henchmen up and finally slamming her weapon down on henchmen. Then a henchman shoots but evades it easy and jumps hitting the henchman send in front of Roman Torchwick.

Roman: You are truly worth cent. *police sirens* Well, red, it's been an eventful evening, and as much as I like to stick around... I afraid this is how we part ways.

He shots from his cane. I turn into Xuanwu and block the shot for her. I turn back but to see Roman climbing the ladder.

Y/n: He's not going anywhere! *transform*

After I reach the top with red behind.

Red: Hey!

Roman: Persistent.

Then an bullhead came.

Roman: *enters* End of the line!

He throws red dust at us and shoots. I was about to transform until a woman wearing white and black with a black cape with purple underneath blocks it for us.

Roman: Whoa-ho-ho! Huh?

The women fires at the ship. She then fires another but summons a storm of blue crystal at it. Then a woman in a red dress shoots a fireball at her but blocks it then the pieces of magma beneath her erupts. Then she gathers the pieces from the eruption and forms a spear as she throws it the lady in red shoots it and reforms again but the bullhead tilts left barely voids it then reforms into three more spear but bendable. The laby sends an explosion destroying it. red starts shooting at her but blocks the shots. I then took out my sword and switch to hun form and shot her leg, wounding her.

???: AAHH!

She looks at me, angry.

Y/n: Oh on.

She marks the floor with an eruption but the huntress moves us with telekinesis and moves herself away. The Bullhead than leaves.

Red: You're a huntress! Can I have your autograph?


Y/n: You shouldn't have said that.

Huntress: I hope you realize that your actions tonight will not be taken lightly you two. you put yourself and others in danger.

Red: They started it!

Y/n: Damn, I wonder how many people were there.

Huntress: If it were up to me, you'd be sent home... With a pat on the back...

Red smiles.

Huntress: And a slap on the wrist.

She swings her rod on the table.

Red: Eeek!

Huntress: But... There is someone here who would like to meet you.

A man with gray hair and wearing black and green come with a plate of cookies and holding a mug.

???: Ruby Rose... You... Have sliver eyes.

Y/n: Werido alert.

???: So we're did you learn to do this?

He show the fight scene on the huntress scroll.

Ruby: Signal Academy.

???: They taught you one of the most dangerous weapons ever design?

Ruby: Well one teacher in particular.

???: I see.

He placed down the cookies. I slowly reached for one but Ruby hissed at me. I quickly grabbed a cookie and ate before she could get it. She ate a cookie and stuff her face with the rest.

???: It's just I've seen only one scythe-wielder with that skill before. A dusty, old crow

Ruby: Thash muh unkull! *swallow* Sorry, that's my uncle Qrow! He a teacher at the signal! I was complete garbage before he took me under his wing.

Y/n: Because he's a crow.

Ruby: But now I'm like- ooooh! Wacaaaaaa!

She does some karate pose.

???; And what is an adorable girl such as yourself doing at a school design to train warriors.

Ruby: Well... I want to be a huntress.

???: You want to slay monsters?

Ruby: Yeah! I only have two years lift at the signal and I'm going to apply to Beacon. My sister starting this year and she going to be a huntress and I'm trying to become a huntress because I want to help people. My parents taught us to always help others. I mean police are alright but Huntsman and Huntress are romantic and awesome and really, you know.

An awkward silent.
???: Do you know who I'm am?

Ruby You're professor Ozpin. You're the headmaster of the beacon.

Ozpin: Hello.

Ruby: Nice to meet you.

Ozpin: You want to come to my school?

Ruby: More than anything.

Ozpin: Ruby Rose, Welcome to the Beacon Academy.

She smiles in excitement and leaves.

Ozpin: So, what is your name, young man?

Y/n: Y/n L/n

Ozpin: Can you tell me how did you do this?

He shows me the video footage of me turn into a Grimm.

Y/n: Um. Semblance.

Ozpin: Really? Never in my life have I've seen someone turn into a Grimm. Are you sure it's not the Grimm virus?

My eyes widen.

Y/n: No.

Ozpin: Then why do you wear gloves?

Y/n: Fine! I do!

Ozpin: How come? Every Human and Fanuns are immune to it.

Y/n: * head down* I'm one of those humans who holds it.

Ozpin: Can you show me your hands?

I removed my gloves exposing my left hand which is cover with black fur and sharp claws and the huntress's eyes widen.

Ozpin: This is not good. How long had you had this?

Y/n: 10 years. I even have a pet Beowolf. Exposing my hand to a Grimm will stop immediately.

Ozpin: How would you like to go to my school?

Y/n: But how will everyone react?

Ozpin: That depends on how will react.

Y/n: *inhales* I guest I can give it a shot.


End of Chapter 1

The Grimm virus ( male reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now