Chapter 4: Far From Home

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"What the hell are you talking about Mason?" -asked Ethan.
"I remember now." -said Mason.
"What do you remember?" -asked Ethan.
"I died, in the forest. I remember." -said Mason.
Everyone got confused by Mason's words.
"I woke up that day... and I ran and I ran and ran ran and I couldn't get out. Hours passed... days... I was running but I was still in the same place. There was something about that place. It wasn't normal... and then I got out. I don't know how but I did. I was out. And then I looked around, it wasn't normal, that place. We woke up that day. All of us, naked. I was in the forest, Ed was in the grass field. I was walking for days... and at night I would look up to the sky, and the sky would look different... I keep dreaming about it, I keep seeing myself in the forest. We all died, we just don't know it yet. This is not the same place we lived on. This is different world." -said Mason.
"Hey... hey, lay down dude, you are in shock." -said Ed.
Mason looked at Ed with disappointment and went back to sleep.
Ed, Ethan and Zoey just stared at each other unsure what to say.

Next morning they packed their stuff in silence and kept walking through the forest.
Ethan noticed that trees have weird shapes, shapes he never saw before. He begun to realize they are not in ordinary place.
Time passed and they were still in the forest.
Everyone started fearing that what Mason said could be the truth.
Few moments later Ethan saw the river in front of them.
"Fresh water." -said Ed as they were running towards the river.
Everyone jumped in immediately.
After they got out it was time to continue their journey.
"We need to climb this cliff." -said Ethan.
"Shouldn't we just follow the flow of the river?" -asked Zoey.
"That's a good idea, it might lead us to the town or something." -said Ed.
"Or it could lead us to waterfall or even worse." -said Ethan.
"Why should we climb here Ethan?" -asked Zoey.
"Before you guys jumped into the river, I saw the way out of the forest up there." -said Ethan.
"You sure?" -asked Ed.
"Yeah." -said Ethan.
"Alright then, we could try that way." -said Ed.
"Mason?" -said Zoey. But Mason kept staring intk the river not giving any response.
"Mason?!" -shouted Zoey.
"What?" -asked Mason.
"Wake up." -said Zoey.

They started climbing one by one.
First went Ethan.
"Ethan, do you see the way out?" -shouted Zoey.
But Ethan gave no response.
"What's the matter with him now?" -asked Zoey.
"Beats me." -said Ed.
"Mason, you're next." -said Zoey.
Mason started climbing and when he got to the top he felt sharp metal blade on top of his head and unknown voice whispering.
"Don't move."
Mason looked up and saw a man in leather boots and green camouflauge pants standing in front of him. He looked around and noticed multiple people there.
"Mason?" -shouted Zoey.
"Ethan?" -shouted Ed.
"What's the matter with them?" -asked Zoey.
"Let's climb up and find out." -said Ed.

After Zoey and Ed went up they saw Mason and Ethan on their knees and group of armed people standing in front of them.
"Who are you people?" -asked one of them.
"We... we woke up here not long ago." -responded Zoey.
"Where is here?"
"We don't know." -said Zoey.
"What's your name?"
"I'm Zoey, and this is Ed, Ethan and silent one is Mason." -said Zoey.
"Nice to meet you Zoey, I'm Oliver, and we don't know where we are either."
"Nice to meet you." -said Zoey.
"These people behind me are Grace, Bill, Charlie, Sophia, Tyler, Josh and Callen. We found each other here, and now we found you." -said Oliver.
"You have clothes." -said Ethan.
"We all woke up naked." -said Oliver.
"Where did you get the clothes then?" -asked Ethan.
"From the dead." -said Bill.
"The dead?" -confusedly asked Zoey.
"Yes, you haven't seen any dead?" -asked Oliver.
"No." -responded Zoey.
"We found bunch of skeletons, bones, all over the place, they had clothes on. We needed it, so we took it." -said Oliver.
"What's going on? Where are we guys?" -asked Zoey.
"I'll tell you one thing Zoey, wherever we are, it does not look like home." -said Bill.
"Exactly." -added Charlie.
"What do you mean?" -asked Zoey.
"Have you paid any attention to this place?" -asked Bill.
"Yeah, of course." -said Zoey.
"Nothing of this is normal, sky is different... stars are.. trees are different, everything!" -said Bill.

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