Chapter 11: Fear Of Death

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Two Days Later...

"There was nothing you could do..." -said Zoey.
"Three people died..." -said Mason.
"I know Mason..." -said Zoey.
"I killed him..." -said Mason.
"I'm sorry you had to do that..." -said Zoey.
"Going out there was a mistake. People out there... They are lost..." -said Mason.
"I know..." -said Zoey.
"Hey guys" -said Carl.
"We shouldn't go out there that much anymore, at least not yet" -said Zoey.
"Yeah" -said Mason.
"Hey Carl" -said Zoey.
"I'm going now, it was a pleasure to know you all" -said Carl.
"Are you sure?" -asked Mason.
"Yep, I don't belong here, I belong to the world Mason" -said Carl.
"I get it. Thank you for staying more with us" -said Mason.
"No problem partner, I'll be on my way now" -said Carl.
"I'll walk with you a little" -said Mason.
"What? Where you going?" -asked Carl.
"Nowhere, I'll just... walk you out you know" -said Mason.
"Alrighty, as you wish" -said Carl.
"Mason we just talked about not going out" -said Zoey.
"I won't go far" -said Mason.
"Don't worry Zoey, I'll take care of him" -said Carl.
Zoey thought for a second and then said.
"You are either very stupid, childish or insane Mason, take care"
"Maybe all three of that. I will" -responded Mason.

Josh heard them talking and approached Mason.
"Do you want me to come with you just in case something happens?" -Josh asked.
"Nah, no need, you can stay here" -said Mason.
"Alright, but Zoey is right, no one should go alone out there. Not anymore" -said Josh.
"I won't go far" -said Mason.

Meanwhile Oliver and Grace were in the kitchen having conversation.
"Things are rough out there, maybe we should think a bit more about leaving" -said Oliver.
"We can handle it Olie. We do as planned" -said Grace.
"Right..." -said Oliver.
"You think we should stay?" -asked Grace.
"No. I just think we should wait for the right time" -said Oliver.
"Two days ago, Mason killed a man. He is losing himself. This place is doomed" -said Grace.
Oliver thought for a moment and then replied.
"I guess so but we can make it work here for little bit longer... Winter is coming" -said Oliver.
"If you want to stay then stay! I'm going!" -said Grace and walked away.

In a distance Bill and Ed were watching what was going on.
"She seems mad" -said Ed.
"No shit" -responded Bill.
"What do you think what were they arguing about?" -asked Ed.
"I don't know... couples stuff" -said Bill.
"Oh yes yes... I had a girlfriend... once" -said Ed.
"Oh yeah? Hard to believe..." -said Bill.
"What about you? Do you have any family?" -asked Ed.
"Yep. Two sons and two grandkids, one boy and one girl" -said Bill.
"That's very nice" -said Ed.
"Yep. Except I will never see them again" -said Bill.
"How can you say that?" -asked Ed.
Bill thought for a second and then replied.
"Look at us son, bunch of strangers trying to make it in wilderness, and no one has any clue on how did we get here... or why... or even where..."
"Well... I know we can make it... somehow..." -said Ed but Bill wasn't so optimistic.

Meanwhile at the campfire others were having a discussion.
"So what's our next move?" -asked Sophia.
"We should ask Mason" -said Tyler.
"Mason? He hasn't been himself lately" -said Sophia.
"We keep preparing for the winter, collect wood, hunt animals for food and fur, stuff like that" -said Jeff.
All of the sudden Ethan spoke up.
"I think there's something everyone should know"
"What is it?" -asked Sophia.
"There's another predator in this area. Animals are retreating deeper into the forest. The further we go, the harder it gets. It's becoming extremely dangerous to go hunting alone" -said Ethan.
"What about traps?" -asked Mark.
"Traps can catch some smaller things but If we want to keep sustaining ourselves with hunting, we need to go deeper" -said Ethan.
"Alright, what do you need?" -asked Jeff.
"I need a small group to come with me" -said Ethan.
"How many people do you need?" -asked Callen.
"Four should be enough" -said Ethan.
Everyone thought for a second and then Jeff said.
"I'll come with you"
"I will too" -added Callen.
"Wow wait a second guys!" -said Sophia.
"What?" -asked Jeff.
"Did you all forget what happened out there two days ago?" -asked Sophia.
"People out there are losing their minds, If we want this camp to survive, meaning we have to be careful about who comes here" -said Tyler.
"No one is gonna come here Tyler" -said Ethan.
"What If they follow you back here?" -asked Sophia.
"Who?" -asked Ethan.
"I don't know... same people who attacked Gregory's camp!" -said Sophia.
"First of all we don't know that story is even true" -said Jeff.
"Oh it's true. You wouldn't believe what Mark and I saw out there in past few weeks... this place is heaven... we will help you protect it at any cost" -said Michael
"I didn't have chance to talk much with Mason but if he's the mind behind all this, we should all listen to him" -said Mark.
Then Ethan stood up and said.
"Okay enough of this... Winter it almost here and we have to prepare, I'll take a group into the woods to gather some wood and other things we might need... Who else wants to come?"
"I'm coming" -said Mark
"That makes us four" -said Callen.
"Also we need to build some kind of storage place for wood now, can someone check with Bill to make a group for that?" -asked Ethan.
"Sure, I'll do it" -said Jeff.
Then Oliver and Josh came to the campfire.
"What are you guys planning for today?" -asked Oliver.
"Ethan is taking a group into the forest... again" -said Sophia.
"For what?" -asked Josh.
"To gather wood for the winter and other things" -said Ethan.
"Oh yeah? I'll come too" -said Josh.
"You sure?" -asked Jeff.
"Yeah of course!" -said Josh.
"Alright then, where's Mason?" -asked Jeff.
"He's with Carl, they are about to leave" -said Josh.
"Oh... Alright" -said Jeff.
"Carl will come by to say goodbye" -said Josh.

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