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Louis' POV

My eyes flutter open to the noise of my cellphone ringing multiple times. I unwrapped my arm from Kat's waist. And turned over to grab my phone, I saw I had multiple messages from Liam and Niall.

*Liam: meet me at the bar.*

*Liam: you're sleeping aren't you, well wake the fuck up and get your ass here.*

*Niall: you better hurry up, Liam's about to loose his shit soon.*

I sent a quick message to Niall saying that I was on my way. I got up from the bed, quietly hoping that I wouldn't wake up Kat. I grabbed my black pair of skinny jeans and a random shirt that was nicely folded in a laundry.

I grabbed my phone and left the room. I still don't know why I agreed to this stupid plan. Then I remembered the threatened to hurt the people that mattered the most to me. I can't let them get hurt so here I am, on my way to meet with some very bad people. I remember the day they told me about this plan. It was actually yesterday before we met Willow and her friend who I can't seem to remember her name.


I was waiting for Niall to pick me up, I was at my apartment for once. I was always at Kat's place, every once in a while I would come back to mine, but that was for getting new clothes and throwing out food or sometimes I just stay here if I have friends over and play FIFA. Kat doesn't like who I hang out with especially Liam and Niall besides Harry and Zayn, she says she has this bad feeling about Niall and Liam.

Well she's completely right about that. They're good criminals, they know how to hide the evidence, and know how to lie.

I heard a honk coming from outside, it was Niall. I quickly put on my shoes and locked the door behind me. I walked down the stairs, when I saw Nialls car, I saw Liam was in it too. I got into the back.

"Hey Lou," Niall greeted but Liam didn't say anything.

"Hey," I replied.

"So why did you call me?" I asked.

"We wanted to let you in on something, we think you will be great but there's some rules that go with this." Liam explained to me with a completely straight face.

"You must do it, I don't care if you don't want too. If you don't, then well say goodbye to your loved ones." Is he threatening me? Who does he think he is?

"Like who?"

"Your girlfriend, she's mighty fine maybe I'll have some fun with her," Liam smirked, what a sick person.

"Don't you dare touch her," I warned him.

"Then agree to this, and I won't touch your precious girlfriend." I sighed knowing that I had no other choice, then to protect my girl, and whoever he decides to hurt. I can't him do this.

"Fine I'll do it," This sick smile plastered across his face.

"So here's the plan, I want you too be our little spy. I know you and Harry are quite good friends and I know someone who told me that Willow and Harry are on the same plane..." and the plan went on and on.

-End of Flashback-

I still regret agreeing to this. I sighed walking towards the front door, I was about to open it but I turned around when I heard a creak noise.

"Where are you going?" Kat asked, I could tell that she was hurt that I was leaving early in the morning. But she just doesn't get it. I'm basically trying to protect her but she just doesn't know it. I much rather have her not knowing that's she's basically in danger too.

"Out." I told her in a rush.

"Where?" she asked again. I sighed and walked over to her. I placed my hands, gently on her face, so she was looking at me directly

"I'll be back later, please just let me go." I begged her.

"No, not until you tell me where you keep disappearing too all the time," She tells me, "Are you cheating on me?"

"Why are you being so uptight? I'm just going out, I don't have to tell you where I'm going 24/7, stop being so clingy and needy." Once those words left my mouth, I immediately regretted it. I was about to say something to her but she just stormed off and slammed the bedroom door shut.

I was going to run up after her but Liam is waiting and hates waiting. I guess I'll have to figure this out later.


I knocked on the door three times, it was this thing they told me to do. I had to knock three times, because it was part of the rules. It was really fucked up.

The door opened, I saw Niall and Liam standing there. Once they let me in, I stood there not knowing what to do.

I finally spoke after a long moment of silence, "How long will this take, I have an angry girlfriend I have to take care of..."

"This won't take long," Liam said.

"So why did you call me here then?" I asked and sat down on one of the stools.

"First of all, step one is completed. Niall has befriended Willow," I still don't see why this has to do with me. I could still be sleeping and not fighting with my girlfriend.

"I still don't know why I'm here."

"Just slow down, I'm getting to that part." Liam huffed out in annoyance.

"Anyways, since Niall is now friends with her, we need you to find a tad more information, like who is she staying with? Or If her and Harry are even friends." I sighed knowing that I had nothing else to do or say, so I nodded.

"Great, that's all." I got up from the chair and left the building.


When I returned home, I saw Kat sitting in the living rolm, staring at the wall behind the tv with an blank expression. She has her work uniform on.

"Hey beautiful." I said and smiled. Trying to get her not to be mad at me.

"Hey." She mumbled while pushing past me to put her pink crocks on. I sighed knowing that she was still mad. I don't blame her, she has every right to be mad at me.

"I'm sorry, okay? I don't think you're uptight, needy or clingy. It's just I needed to be somewhere at the time and if I was late then I would've been in trouble. I can't tell you for personal reasons, maybe one day I will but for now you have to trust me on this. Please?" I explained.

"I'm sorry too, I admit I was being a bit clingy but I can't help it. It's just you disappear at the most oddest times. I can't help but think that you're cheating on me." She said shyly. I sighed and walked over to her. I grabbed her by the waist and planted a big kiss on her lips.

"Why would you think that? I will never and I repeat never cheat on you. You're the only one for me." I kissed her forehead.

"I'm sorry, but I really have to go before I'm late." She says before sneaking out my grip and kisses my cheek.

"I love you!" I yelled after her, I don't think she heard because she was already getting into her car. I walked towards the door, and leaned against it while watching her pull out the driveway.

"Be safe." I said to myself and closed the door behind me.


Hello it's Kat. I'm going to start updating this sorry again. I realized I could just base the first half off of ninny and yeah! I'm going to update this book twice a week, so every Wednesday and Sunday. So expect an update tomorrow, maybe I'll do a surprise update! I also finished editing the first two chapters, and changed something's so I suggest you go back and read it. But till then byeee!


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