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Emilio:....well............ . . . . . . Cross? I mean the star sanses want him to be good again so sure

Lust:.....I don't know

Ink:well if we're making the team better then killer he's kinda what's the word............uh drawl back i guess but if we're helping us then cross

Blue:.......dust so I don't have to kill him um and fell don't want to kill either of them

Dream:...........Killer? I guess



Killer:.....why does everyone hate me? And also horror

Lust:*glare at killer* .....my answer is now killer








Me:ok so next part *materializes hat out of nothing* ok so how's going first?

Lust:*only person to raise his hand*


Lust:*grabs a name* uh....pff- the one person I'd say pass to! Hah! I got ink! I'm gonna say a hard pass on that!

Me:heheheheheh well ....Ink your next!

Ink:....whatever *take a name* dream.....what response do you want me to have?


Ink:uh .....sorry errorink and simply because this is filled with it I'm gonna go drink smash I guess

Me:ok dream your next!

Dream:um ok....*pull out a name*uh .....I'm gonna pass........

Me:what does it say?


Me:ok nightmare your turn!

Nightmare:*pull a name and don't even look* pass

Me:come on! At least read it!

Nightmare:...fine *look at paper* it says cross there shoo

Me:ok cross!

Cross:*pull a name* blue? Well I mean ..............nah pass

Me:ok blue!

Blue:*pull name* killer? Uh no pass

Me:ok killer!

Killer:*pull name* dust! Yes! Smash!

Me:ok dust!

Dust:*pulls a name* susie? No thank you pass

Me:ok susie!

Susie:*pull a name* horror? Yeah no pass

Me:ok horror!

Horror:*pull name* pass

Me:what does it say?

Horror:I'm not dating or even one night standing a knock off frisk!

Me:ok kris!

Kris:*pull a name* Ralsie .....pass

Me:ok ralsie!

Ralsie:...*pull name* error.....pass

Me:ok error!

Error:.*pull name* lancer? Passsssssssss

Me:ok lancer!

Lancer:*pull name* Emilio pass

Me:ok bro bro!

Emilio:*pull name* ...wanna read do so some people don't judge me......

Me:bro if they judge you I'll kill em k?

Emilio:....fine its you and smash

Me:ok cool and me! *pull name* lust! And smash! Ok next thing!

Me:ok cool and me! *pull name* lust! And smash! Ok next thing!

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Me:not how this works

Nightmare:.......fuck you

Me:....answer it!

Nightmare:...........the tree of feelings

Dream:you killed it-

Nightmare:I know....shut up

Me:ok then bye friends!

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