Celebrity Encounters, Meghan Markle: FIRED!

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I met Meghan Markle at Windsor Castle last year, the entire royal family were having a photo shoot and everyone was there, The queen, Prince Philip, Prince Charles, William and Kate. They all looked so tall and posh. I suppose you're wondering what I was even doing there. Well I'm just a twenty one year old guy, who was looking for part time work, I was signed up to this silver service agency called, Downsons. I had done exactly two shifts with them at The Royal Albert Hall.

I was in the Kitchen washing the dishes because I was so clumsy with the plates. I don't think I was even that bad. It's only because, this other server girl was giving me that look, you know flirting with me, and I got completely distracted and dropped the dessert on the floor. All the chatter in the the hall stopped and everyone looked at me. Awks. That girl didn't even give me her number in the end, she was such a tease. I guess word never got back to the office about what happened because, they called me up the day before one of my shifts at the same place and asked if I would be willing to work at Windsor Castle, holding the trays. Well obviously I accepted that, who would miss the chance to do that. They were even going to pay us ten pounds an hour, if you've ever worked Silver service, you'll know that's way better than usual.

I got there early this time, as opposed to ten minutes. In fact because the place was outside of London, they had to arrange transport for us all. We were each given a code word to make sure we were indeed supposed to be working there, mine was 'Sharp Noise' got no idea what it meant, probably nothing. Once we got in we were given uniform and they checked us to make sure we looked presentable. They even took our phones, to ensure none of us would try to take photos. Then we were prepped about what to say to the royals and guests. If you want to know, it was 'nothing' we were told to say nothing to them.

I was so excited. We were lined up in the kitchen, getting ready. We'd been there for ages, circulating the room, like a choreography, and this time there was no way I would drop anything because, I only had to hold a tray in both hands, and walked around the room and look pretty. As the supervisor was talking to us I could see through the crack of the door, they were there. It was the Queen, at least I think it was, she was old and small, and had on a blue suit, no crown though. Then I saw Prince William, he had this side smile, and some huge teeth. I remember when my ex girlfriend told me she had a crush on him. In fact the last girl I dated had a crush on Prince Harry now I come to think about it. Everyone was talking to reporters as they drank Champagne. We didn't serve the drinks, apparently they had more skilled people for that. Though maybe if they had seen how I opened the Moet at my mate Ashley's eighteenth, drenching him in the foam, they would have given me a chance.

I started to hear this voice and I instantly knew it was Meghan. That American accent was so starkly different from any other accent, I couldn't see her though, she was on the other side of the room.

"You, what did I just say about if anyone asks you for more of some of the hors d'oeuvres that have finished?" The supervisor asked me. He'd obviously noticed I wasn't paying attention.

I turned back round to him.

"Erm...well.." I trailed.

"Exactly, next time I see you not following, you're gone, do you understand?" he said angrily.

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