Chapter 13

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The rest of the day, I could hear Artemis's sick laughter echoing in my head.

Sierra, Sierra.

No. I don't have to deal with this. This is not my problem! This is Alexis's. She's the one who made you mad! Not me! I didn't do anything!

His name was Edward Blake.

I didn't do anything wrong! For God's sake, just leave me alone!

See you soon.

Wicked chuckles resonated through my mind. They chilled me to the bone. In response, my hand rattled, sending my pencils spilling to the floor with a clatter.

"Miss Blake?" Mrs. Rosend called from the front where she was pointing to a diagram of a triangle. The rest of the class turned and tittered at the noisy disruption. A few immature oohs rose from the back of the room.

"Oh grow up," Joel snapped to the class, annoyed. They shut up. I smiled gratefully. At least he was still on my side. Always dependable Joel. I could count on him.

"Sierra, can you tell me the tangent of theta?" Mrs. Rosend asked, pointing to the triangle. Her face was masked in pity, a look that I received often nowadays. I hated being coddled.

I'm fine! I wanted to scream.

But I wasn't fine. My knuckles were bone white and shaking no matter how hard I tried to calm myself.

Your fault. Your fault. The words dug like knives into my brain, making me want to scream.


I raised my head to see Mrs. Rosend standing over me. Her face looked down at me with concern. The image of her blurred as I felt tears welling up. Oh God, I couldn't cry in front of my entire class. That would be utter humiliation.

"I-" I stuttered. I needed to speak. I needed to answer her question. If only I could move...

"Are you okay?" she murmured compassionately. I knew that she was just trying to help. But in that instance, I couldn't stand it.

"I'm fine, okay!" I exploded, leaping to my feet. My face was burning red. With anger or embarrassment, I didn't know which. "Just leave me alone! I don't need your help!"

With that, I shoved past her brusquely and ran outside. I wiped a few traitorous tears that fell onto my cheeks. The halls were completely emptied. Everyone was in fifth period, content and happy. None of them had the guilt of a series of murders on their shoulders.

Except three other certain people.


I whirled around to see Alexis slipping quietly out and closed the door behind her. That was how she moved. Quiet, soft, meek. Like she was hoping to pass by unnoticed.

"What do you want?" I asked flatly. Anger filled me when I saw her. Why couldn't she just leave me be?

She hesitated. Her brown eyes were hesitant, as if she didn't know how to approach me. She probably didn't.

"I just wanted to see if you were okay." She reached out a hand to me. Comforting. Welcoming. The same old Alexis.

At least she hadn't changed.

Inside me, fury collided with disgust. I couldn't quite explain the feeling, but I knew that if I was around my former best friend for one second longer, I would implode.

"The last thing I want is your help," I snarled, my brown eyes flashing. My fists were clenched at my sides like I was ready for a fight.

I could see my own anguish reflected in her eyes. She took a step back as if she had been stuck across the face. I guess in a way she had.

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