Chapter 3: The End [II]

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       The two stepped onto the soft grass that would turn to concrete in the winter, and walked toward the old house. Approaching the worn out yellow brick house the two looked at each other. They both had fear in their face, but above that fear was determination and thats the most important quality to have. Nick led the way up the wooden stairs leading to an old red door. He looked back at Chris before trying the door. The door wouldn't budge as Nick tried to open it.
"Maybe that's a sign to us." Chris suggested.
"Or maybe this house is old as shit!" Nick says pushing the door with all his might. The door flew open and Nick fell onto the floor.
"Oh shit are you okay?" Chris asked going to help Nick up.
"Yea, I'm fine. This house smells like shit!" Nick said wiping his nose. They cautiously stepped into the house. The laundry room was the first room they stepped into. As the two followed the hallway into an old kitchen, the red door slammed shut. They looked at the door with a sense of regret. It was too late to turn back now.
The place looked untouched, old furniture was everywhere covered in dust.
"This is so weird," Nick said, "its almost like no one has been here since it happened." Chris agreed.
"Maybe we should look around and see what we can find." Chris said. Chris slowly opened a door to one of the rooms connected to the living room. There sat a piano old piano with dust covering every key. Chris went up to the piano and pushed some keys. Even though the piano looked like it was still in good shape, no sound came from the keys. Chris noticed something beside the piano, it was a picture. He picked it up and examined it. A young woman, a man, and two young girls smiled with each other sitting on a couch. The realization that one of the daughters was Nicks mom set in. Nick screamed from the other room, Chris shoved the picture in his pocket and went to investigate.
Nick ran out of the bathroom, "Holy shit!"
"What is it?" Chris looked into the bathroom seeing nothing.
Nick panted, "There was a damn rat in the toilet!"
"Oh. Well, be careful and keep looking around." Chris said. Nick passed Chris in the hallway and walked into a bedroom with the bed still in it. A terrible smell aroused from the room, making Nick gag. He walked to the center of the room and just looked around in circles, even though it was scary, it had a feeling of calmness to it. That moment of calmness was interrupted by a sound above him, he walked into the hallway and looked at Chris.
"I heard it too, maybe another rat." Chris said. Nick walked the hallway and looked up, the outline of a door was in the ceiling. "A attic." Nick pointed at it. "That's where her body was found." Chris said walking up the door. He stuck of his hand to pull the string as Nick backed up into the living room. Chris pulled the string and the door swung open. No ladder fell, nothing happened for a moment. The two looked at each other, then back at the attic door. Then out of thin air, a old body hanging from a noose fell from the attic. Chris jumped back and fell as the body swung in circles from the attic door. A table cut Chris's head open and it bled lightly. Nick puked in a corner.
"What the fuck!" Chris said, "Did they not take this thing out?" He stood and touched his head, wincing as he did so.
"I'm gonna be sick again." Nick said running into another room. As disgusting as it was, Chris slowly approached the body. Instead of being scared he was confused. Why didn't they take out her body? He thought. Examining the body, Chris looked at its face. The body was kind of old looking and had a sad expression on it. Even thought it was old it wasn't decomposed all the way, which was weird. A sizzling sound, like a sound from a soda started ringing in Chris's ears. It was coming from the body. Chris looked at the body's feet, and the sizzling was coming from the bodies feet. It looked like it was going back to normal. Chris was stunned, he turned to call Nick, but Nick was already behind him in the living room. With his mouth wide open, he pointed back to the body. Chris looked back at it, it was now fully normal. The skin was fine, and as Chris saw the face he screamed with terror carved into his soul. The woman's eyes were now open and looking down at Chris. Chris slowly stepped back, the body raised one arm and set it one the rope of the noose. With that one arm she lifted herself out of the noose, and dropped to the ground. That feeling of dizziness and nausea came back to Nick, he was going to pass out again. "Not now," he told himself, "Chris needs me!" The woman started walking toward Chris. Chris screamed and swung at her with baseball bat, she caught it in her hand like a dog would catch a ball in it's mouth. Chris looked at her with terror, from the bat the woman grabbed Chris's arm and pulled him close. He struggled to pull away as tears ran down his face. "Nick!" Chris screamed, knocking Nick back into reality. Just as Chris managed to pull away from the woman a gun shot deafened everything in the house. The woman looked down at the hole in her night gown at her shoulder, but no blood came out. She then sprang towards Nick like a tiger running towards it prey. Before Nick could shoot again she jumped on him and the gun went under a dresser.
Nick tried to fight her off but she held down his arms with her legs. She ran her hands through his hair as she said, "My sweet sweet child." Even though she was attacking him, her face was full of sadness. Chris grabbed the bat off the ground and started hitting the woman with it. It had no effect. "Get off him!" Chris screamed. The bat broke over the woman's back while she put her gown over Nicks mouth, smothering him. Chris searched the room looking for the gun. Slowly the sound started to leave Nicks ears, and the room started to fade. Just then 5 shots brought the liveliness back to him. He opened his eyes as the woman fell the ground.
Chris ran to Nick, gun still in hand, and jerked him off the ground.
"Let's get the fuck out of here!" Chris snapped.
Walking out of the living room Nick looked back where the woman's body laid. Then, as if someone blew a pile of dust from their hand, the body disintegrated .
Chris pulled open the door and walked out of the house. When the two were halfway between Nick's house and the old house they both fell to the ground.
"Thank you." Nick struggled to say.
Chris breathed hard, "There was no other option." When they finally caught there breath the two stood, then hugged. What was just experienced was enough to make the bravest person need something as simple as a hug.
Chris begins to say, "Nick I have to tell you something about that woma-" "You need to go before my mom gets home so she doesn't she your gashed open head. I'll be back Tuesday, I'm going to visit my grandparents." Nick said.
The two walked back to Chris's bike.
"Thank you for shooting her, it saved me. You saved me." Nick said.
"That's what best friends are for. You did the same for me." Chris said. The two just sat there for a moment enjoying the peace.
Nick finally said, "Well I'll.. I'll see you Tuesday."
Chris and Nick did their handshake and Chris hopped on his bike.
"See ya." He said before riding off, Nick watched him as he went. Nick signed and headed back inside to clean up before his mom got there.
That night Chris sat at his desk, looking at his empty wrist that lacked the one thing it always had, his bracelet. He knew exactly where it was, and he had to get it back. He knew Nick wouldn't want him to go alone but he had to, he just had to. The next morning as Nick pulled out of his driveway leaving to go visit his grandparents, he had a terrible feeling in his gut. He had to talk to Chris, something just didn't feel right. The butterflies in his stomach were clawing for a way out.
When Nick's car was out of sight, Chris popped up from behind a bush. He slowly walked towards the house with nothing in hand. When he reached the front door, that feeling of fear came over him again. Chris knew no matter how scared he was, everything was going to work out. Nick was gonna come back Tuesday, and they could forget all of this even happened. Chris pushed the handle of the door, and it opened easily. Almost like it was opening for him. With a breath of determination, Chris stepped inside.
                     The    End

Thank you for reading! Once again give feedback and tell me if you find any grammatical errors!

The Fear of FallNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ