A Bit of Basic Info

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Hello everyone! Thank you so much for choosing to read this book, it really does mean a lot to me that people are willing to sit through my writing. I hope that this ends up being somewhat entertaining! Anyways, the point of this little rant is just for me to get some basic information out of the way before we get into the actual imagines. If you take the time to read this, I greatly appreciate you. If you don't, I still greatly appreciate you, though I would definitely prefer you read it. Anyways, lets get started!

First things first, we're going to talk about updates. This book has been published with four chapters each involving a different character who will be mentioned in the tags of the story, more will be added on a bi-weekly basis for, hopefully, a rather long time. I can not give specific days as to when I will update, mainly due to the fact that I am a college student with a double major and my classes and extracurricular activities keep me extremely busy. However, I will not let all of that affect my ability to update. 

Second thing on the agenda is requests. I am more than happy to take requests for all characters involved in the series. Each time a new character is added, their name will be added to the tags of this story. So if you don't see your favorite character please do not fret, simply send me a request and I will be sure to add them in! Requests do not have to be specific, you can send me a prompt or simply ask for something involving a specific character. Along with this, the requests to not have to be innately romantic in nature, as I am quite happy to write about platonic relationships. I will always credit the individual who sent in the request at the beginning of the chapter unless it is requested that I do not do so. Basically, go hecking crazy and send me requests, it will make my day. However, there are certain topics I will not write about. First off, non-consensual sexual relationships will not be written about, mainly because of the fact that young people could technically be reading this and I will not glamorize that. Along with this, I will not write requests for student-teacher relationships. This, again, is a very serious subject that I will not glamorize, as the age of consent has been put in place for a reason. The last subject I will not write about is incest, it isn't canon for this fandom so, I'm sorry, but it is not a topic I will include in this story. Other than that, request whatever you would like. I am eighteen, so I am able to write not-safe-for-work content, though I may age up the characters a bit if they are students because I'm low-key uncomfortable writing about individuals who are fourteen doing the deed. Most of these imagines will be written from the perspective of a female individual, as I am a female and the perspective is a bit easier to write from. However, if you would like something written from a male readers perspective or a gender neutral perspective, let me know and I will be happy to write it. Along with this, I am happy to write for relationships of any gender pairing and polyamory. Love is love, as long as everyone involved is a consenting individual of a legal age, no one has any room to judge.

Finally, I ask that the readers of this book all be respectful to each other. I appreciate constructive criticism and honestly, I'm writing this for fun, so you can say whatever you wish to me. However, not to other readers. This is a no judgement zone folks, people come here to read about their favorite anime characters, not to be treated poorly. If you are here simply to give someone shit about liking this anime, then I suggest you go somewhere else because I will not tolerate any sort of rudeness towards one of my readers.

Alright, my rambling is over. I hope you enjoy this book!

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