Brownies - Shota Aizawa

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This wasn't exactly how (Y/N) had planned her day off going. No, change that, this is the exact opposite of the way (Y/N) had planned her day off going. The day had started off simple, the normal routine of waking up to say goodbye to her husband then falling back asleep for a few hours playing out just like it did every day. She had woken up, had breakfast, finished up some basic chores that needed to be done around the house and took some time to just sit down and read a chapter of the book she had been working on for the past month. However, it wasn't long until boredom had started to pull at her. This was usually what happened on her days off, the life of a pro-hero was so hectic, one learned not to sit still for too long. So, she had decided to do something she knew would brighten Aizawa's day and take up some of her spare time, bake. Now, (Y/N) was no professional, but she knew how to make some damn good brownies, brownies that her lovely husband had a weakness for. After baking and cleaning the kitchen, she had gotten dressed and made her way to UA High. Aizawa had a free period during fourth hour, she intended to just slip in, drop off the brownies and say hi, slipping away before she had to encounter any of his students. Of course, this notion had gone out the window when she had opened the door to his classroom to find every desk filled and Aizawa absent. Now she was here, standing at the front of the classroom like an idiot, holding a tray of brownies as twenty students starred daggers at her. The room had fallen into an awkward silence the moment she walked in, no one knowing what to say or do. Finally, one brave student broke the silence.

"Who are you?" Gulping slightly, (Y/N) looked at the pink haired girl who had spoken, her mind racing as she debated on what to say. Aizawa wasn't exactly the type of person to talk openly about his marriage to her, they both had quite a few enemies and neither wanted the other to end up getting hurt because of their relationship. It was likely these children had no idea she existed, but, it wasn't like any of them were going to try and attack her if she told them the truth. Deciding to just get it over with, she smiled at the girl and said.

"I'm Shota (Y/N), I'm Aizawa's wife." The room erupted into a sea of voices, all of the students talking a mile a minute. Rolling her eyes, (Y/N) placed the tray on the podium and clapped loudly, causing the chatter to stop and everyone to look up at her. Running a hand through her hair, she looked around at all of them. "Look, I'm assuming you all have questions." The students nodded vigorously, most with curious grins on their faces. Another sigh escaping her lips, (Y/N) sent out a mental apology to her husband before addressing the students. "Well, since I'm already here, I might as well talk. I will answer five questions. Nothing inappropriate or personal, and if any of you tell Aizawa I did this I will make sure he puts you all through hell for the next two months, got it?" The students all nodded and (Y/N) smiled slightly, the fear in their facial expressions amusing her slightly. "Alright, who's first?" Literally every hand in the classroom shot up, choosing randomly, (Y/N) pointed to a small girl with short, brown hair.

"How did you and Mr. Aizawa meet?" (Y/N) couldn't help but grin when the memory of their meeting came flooding back to her. 

"We were in class together. He was super shy and awkward, but Hizashi, Present Mike, knew I liked him and he made sure that we were constantly together. Eventually he started talking and...well, the rest is history." The girls and a blonde boy in the back all let out an excited giggle, everyone's hand flying into the air again. (Y/N) searched the room for a minute before pointing to a girl with a rather large black ponytail.

"How long have you two been together?" 

"Well, technically we've been together for thirteen years, since we got together our last year of school. But we've been married for ten years, eleven next month." Everyone's hands flew into the air again, one more anxious than the others. A small, green haired boy, Izuku. (Y/N) nodded towards him.

"Are you a pro-hero to?" (Y/N) took a minute to think about her answer. She wasn't really supposed to talk about work, but as long as she kept to the basics it should be okay. 

"Well, technically yes, though I can't really tell you about it. My work mainly revolves around information collection and stealth, so it's all pretty secretive. To make a long story short, I am, but that's about all I can legally tell you." The boy nodded, looking down and starting to write in his notebook. Raising an eyebrow, (Y/N) shot him a confused look before turning back to the rest of the class, most of which had their hands in the air again, her eyes focusing in on a boy with vibrant red hair and rather sharp teeth. She nodded towards him and leaned back against the podium, this was less painful than she had initially expected it would be.

"What's your quirk?" A small smirk crossed (Y/N)'s face as the words crossed his lips. This was the question she had been waiting for. Deciding that it might be fun to spook them, she closed her eyes, slowly camouflaging herself to blend into the classroom around her. A loud gasp emitted from the students as she faded away, only her clothes visible. Their eyes were bulging out of their skulls as they stared at her, a mixture of confusion and awe on their faces. Allowing herself to go back to her normal form, she began to speak.

"I can camouflage myself into any background, which is why my work revolves around stealth. Doesn't do much in terms of actual combat, but it's not bad." The red-headed boy smirked, the rest of the students either stared at her or clapped slightly. Rolling her eyes at their reactions, (Y/N) began to speak again.

"Alright, one more question then I have to run. Who's next?" Looking around the sea of hands, she saw a small, purple haired boy in the back literally jumping up and down in his chair. A soft chuckle crossing her lips, (Y/N) pointed at him. 

"You're quirk means that you have to go on missions naked all the time, right?" (Y/N)'s eyes widened as she stared at the boy and the cheesy grin on his face, a slight bit of drool dripping out of the side of his mouth. She opened her mouth, intending to tell him off, but she was interrupted by the loud sound of a throat clearing cutting through the awkward silence of the classroom. Her head shooting towards the back entrance of the room, (Y/N) saw the face of her very  pissed off husband, who has currently giving the boy a look that portrayed pure rage. The students looked between (Y/N) and Aizawa, looks of true terror on their faces. The boy who had asked the question was literally hiding under his desk, shaking and crying. Regaining her senses slowly, (Y/N) turned slightly and picked up the pan behind her, clearing her throat softly, she locked eyes with Aizawa, raising the pan slightly as a peace offering of sorts.


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