Chapter One; Hospitalized Nightmares

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Subject 0-067
Testing Completed

    Soft milky blue eyes gazed around the room with a sense of curiosity dripping out from her soft yet knowing features. The smaller female blinked and just stared at the much taller and slimmer professor in front of her, knowing exactly what those next words would be coming out of her mouth. After all, she always said it after each testing had been completed without error,

"Thank you for your time and cooperation, Violet."

Violet was her name. Of course she only allowed her professor to call her by her first name, a piece of her trusting the much older professor as in return she was allowed to call the older female by her maiden name, granted she's said before that she didn't enjoy her first name so who was to blame for that?

   "You're welcome, Gwen." Violet responded in a hushed tone but lightly smiled at Gwen who returned it sincerely.

    She had suddenly stood up, "You can still see them right?" She asked.

    "As always." Violet had a simple ability. That ability is linked to the factor that she was born blind. But can still see the aura's of every person, leaving behind a small outline of a certain color in their place. Although she's been able to figure out most colors, there's one that's always been a mystery to her. Black. It didn't represent unhappiness as she would've thought at first, or sadness either, as strange as it was most patients here had that black hazy outline over their aura's but it was never one solid color. But when staring at Gwen she saw nothing but pure darkness. She was explained to before that her abilities would become hazy and numb due to certain experimentations so she had always just assumed that because Gwen was always around for those experiments that she was just a main component of an example of that, although Violet was never exactly quiet convinced even passed the extensive explanations.

    "May I leave now?..." The smaller girl inquired as she heard the rustling of folders and a large beeping noise being heard all throughout the tiny room and the sound of a door being opened by a key card. Usually, Violet was allowed to leave the testing room and her own room under supervision so that she doesn't try anything. Not that she can anyways, she doesn't hold that type of extensive danger and is labeled as 'stable' in her case files but obviously is to be looked upon in case any of these changes.
    "Hm? Oh, yes, of course, Violet, let me just check your ankle brace." Gwen bent down and pressed down on the brace around Violet's ankle, it creating a small beeping noise translating to her that the damn thing was still working and would detect if she were to try and leave. Not that Violet ever thought about trying to escape, in fact, why would she when there were so many things holding her back from doing so. She stood up, her black hair that sometimes had a yellow undertone, slightly fell over her pale features and wrapped around her thin frame, she hated how long it was but if they wanted a haircut here then good luck convincing the barber that you weren't going to hurt them despite being told beforehand hand, seriously they thought she could control how others feel and convince them to 'go crazy' or 'suicidal'. It was honestly a load of bullshit in her opinion and all she wanted was a haircut that day but never got it because they had to escort the barber out. She blew away a strand of hair out of her face before taking her walking stick from off the side of the table and walked out of the room, already have been here long enough to know exactly where everything was and where she was headed off towards.
     She walked down the east wing with a soft sigh, the soft tapping of her cane against each wall and door could be heard from the deathly silent halls, as it normally was beside the soft talking of the other people who worked and facilitated the place. This place is best known as The Evergreen Experimental Hospital, where people who were admitted are immediately seen as a danger to society, although Violet thought of that as further from the truth. This place held so many secrets that many, 'outsiders' weren't allowed to know of nor see. Whatever they can't see, can't hurt them is what the facility generally live by, a slogan that she's grown familiar of over time, something that Gwen always said when Violet ever asked.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2019 ⏰

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