The story thus far

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Lauren mustered all her strength and courage to maneuver without being seen. She knew she wasn't the best soldier, but she was camouflaged enough to go unnoticed by the men surrounding the small, tattered compound. She was small, and quiet and easily snuck past the lazy guard by the front. She took out a few cameras on her way and with a silencer equipped on her weapon, a few of the men as well. Rounding a corner carefully, she found a kind of roughly made security desk. A guard sat in front of a monitor, sometimes changing the camera, but mainly he flipped the pages of a magazine of scantily clad women. Lauren scowled and snuck up on him and wrapped her arm about his neck. He struggled only a little before passing out. She scooted him away gently and cycled through the cameras until she saw her. Amanda. Her uniform had been removed and she sat in a dirty little cell in her fatigue pants and undershirt.

"...'Manda." She sighed in relief. Thank god she was still alive. She took a ring of keys off the man she put to sleep. And took off down the hall again towards the cell her love was being kept in. "Hold on, 'Manda. I'm coming."

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