Partial believer

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The door knob rattled and Amanda's eyes widened. She shot up to her feet and backed away, readying herself for a fight. She would gladly break another man's face! The door squeaked open and she dropped her fists at the sight of Lauren.

"...L-Lauren? How did you—"

"The how doesn't matter. Right now, we've gotta get you out of here. Quickly while it's still dark out."

"Yeah, ok." She nodded vigorously, accepted a weapon from Lauren and followed her out of the compound. Under the cover of night, the two followed the path Lauren had carved, only having to deal with two more guards on the way out. Once out of sight of the compound, they ran as fast as they could across the dusty road. The sun was just beginning to rise when they saw their camp on the horizon. They stopped for just a moment and faced each other.

"You said you loved me."

"Yeah, I did." Amanda gave her a crooked smile and flushed a little. "Heat of the moment, I guess."



"Not heat of the moment." Lauren cupped a hand to Amanda's face and leaned in, gently placing her lips to the other woman's. "I love you too."

"Lauren?" She pulled away. "I...I can't do this to Danny. And you have Drew! We can't just—"

"Ah, about that. There's something you've gotta see." Lauren wrapped an arm around Amanda's shoulders and they walked the rest of the way to their encampment where they were greeted enthusiastically by their squad.

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