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Jim reclined in his seat, both excited to return home after so long and terrified to have to endure the gyre trip back. 3 years had passed since he spent a significant period of time in Arcadia, spattered with short visits for the holidays and frequent video calls. Despite his attempts to stay connected, he knew things were bound to be different than the Arcadia he left so long ago. But he was also different than the Jim who had left. Already larger because of his half-troll form, the past 3 years had seen him grow nearly six more inches (much to Claire's dismay, as she had taken to leaping up and grabbing his horns if she wanted a kiss) and his shoulders had only gotten broader with age and training. Beyond his physical appearance, Jim had found himself taking on some of the traits of his mentors: most notably his late surrogate brother Draal whom he had adopted a hearty laugh from. Jim often wished Draal was there to see him now and hoped sometimes he could from the next life.

Draal was well honoured in the new Hearthstone, as was Vendel. Jim and Blinky had made sure of that, assuring that Vendel was recognized for his wisdom and dry sense of humour while Draal's reconstructed stone served as the first non-trollhunter to be in the newly rebuilt hero's forge. Seeing Draal's body was something of a bittersweet reminder to Jim as he trained. 

"Are you quite ready to go, Master Jim?" Blinky called, approaching the gyre and rubbing his top hands together whilst the bottom two tugged his suspenders.

"Is anyone ever ready to use the gyre?" Jim swallowed, nearly nauseous from the memory alone, and sunk back into the collar of his jacket.

"Not really." Blinky moved into the seat in front of the lever, a wide, albeit somewhat scary, an eccentric grin on his face, "so let's start!"

With a throw of the lever, they lurched into breakneck speed, Jim hardly keeping himself from screaming. The gyre was convenient and yet it scared the slayer of Gunmar and Bular relentlessly. Jim clenched his eyes shut, trembling until they arrived.

"I really would have thought you would build up a tolerance for the gyre by now," Blinky commented, tapping his digits together.

"I wish I had." The trollhunter held his abdomen, still trying to work off the way his stomach churned but before he could register what was happening around him, a loud yell startled him so badly he grabbed his amulet.
"JIMBO!" Toby cried out, nearly smothering the half-troll in a hug, "I've missed you so much! You wouldn't believe how different it is here without you!"

"Blinky back!" Argh cheered, galloping over to the small troll and engulfing him in a hug.
"It is good to see you as well, old friend." Blinky patted the mossy head of his companion and gave another grin to Jim.
"I cannot be away from troll market for long." Blinky noted, "Argh will be returning with me for a few days. To see how far we've come. Isn't that right, old friend?"
"Blinky leader." Argh beamed with pride, "Argh proud to be Blinky's troll. Want to see what he has done."
"You'll be blown away," Jim promised him, placing a hand on his arm and giving a fanged grin.
"Best of luck, Master Jim." Blinky offered, taking his hands, "stay vigilant, James. Peculiar as you may find it, I do see you as a son and as such... I worry."
"That's not as weird as you may think, Blink." Jim gave a soft smile, "I'll be okay. This is just an average mission."
"An average mission save for the location." The older troll argued.
"Blinky, this is where my missions started!" Jim motioned broadly to the surrounding area, "It doesn't get much more basic than this."
"Second rule, Jim." He chided, "Always be afraid."
It had been far too long since he had really thought of the three rules, having been playing by his own instincts for quite some time. This method seemed to work for Jim, but he heeded Blinky's warning none the less.

It still struck Jim as incredibly odd to be in the passenger's seat of Toby's car while his childhood friend rambled on in an attempt to catch him up. Jim did his best to listen but found himself picking at the torn leather upholstery with his human hand. Without entirely thinking, the trollhunter popped a bit of it into his mouth.
"Jimbo!" Toby groaned, "This car is brand new!"
"Brand new?" He challenged, "Tobes, this car looks like it was dredged out of a lake!"
"It's new to me!" Toby argued before his frown sprung into a smile, "I missed you."
"I missed you too, man." Jim reclined in his seat.
"So, how's shadow dancer?" Toby questioned.
"She's doing great and still doesn't go by 'shadow dancer'."
"She really should. It's an awesome nickname."
"Sure thing, TP."
The sound of Toby's groans nearly drowned out the sounds of his car struggling to turn into the driveway. Jim's throat suddenly tightened with anxiety. It had been so long since he last saw his mother, former teacher or the remaining familiars who hadn't been otherwise adopted.
He must be nearly as tall as Strickler now. Had the changeling really become as adjusted to life as a father? Despite their strained relationship, Jim trusted Strickler and expected he was a good father.
After all, Jim had viewed him as such before his second nature came to light and their trust was fractured.
"Jim?" Toby must have noticed his unease when Jim didn't leave the car.
Rather than question why he was so hesitant, Toby simply patted his back and advised, "keep it crispy."
Jim couldn't help but smile, "I will, Tobes. See you tomorrow?"
"Of course! I'm dying for your cooking expertise!"
With a chuckle, Jim stepped out of the car and approached the front door of the house he had grown up in.
Using a deep breath to calm his nerves, he opened the door.

A Normal MissionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora