Chapter 9

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     "Retrace our steps to the basement door, I'll ask you if the rain still makes you smile." The first card read, as a smile danced across my lips. I was still wearing his Blink shirt and boxers, searching for my clothes he so artfully hid, leaving me to find them using song lyric messages.

     I began opening door after door, unsure of which led to the basement. I found numerous closets, pantries, and spare rooms, but I had yet to find a basement.

     "The guys are going to be here in an hour, I suspect you may want to pick up the pace." Luke yelled from upstairs. I rolled my eyes at his teasing, I just wanted my clothes.

     I turned the knob to a white, extremely large door in comparison to the others, and found a note card stuck to the inside.

     "The train shook the windows, you screamed over the sound." I read the Pierce The Veil lyrics aloud and looked around. The house was massive. The likelihood of me finding the exact window he meant would be slim to none, but suddenly I heard a train shriek in the distance. I darted to a window to find that there were train tracks that ran on the left side of the house.

     "Well I guess that narrows it down." I mumbled to myself, still mentally damming Luke for doing this to me.

     I searched every window on the left side of the house, and began to lose hope. There wasn't a note card in any corner. I rested my arm on the sill, only to feel a piece of paper poking my hand, I opened the window, setting off an alarm.

     "Looks like you found clue number three." Luke laughed, appearing in the door way, I found myself frantically searching for the switch to turn it off.

     "Here." He smirked, turning a knob on top of the window, just above where I could reach. The screaming alarm silenced immediately.

     "You sir, don't play fair. I just want my clothes." I pouted.

     "Should have unpacked instead of attacking me with a pillow." He shrugged and walked off. I could just imagine the smile that tug at his lips while he walked away.

     "Me and you, hidden under a paper moon." I read the paper. I sat down on the floor below the window, almost stumped. If he had hid the next clue outside, I'd never find it. The Henderson's property was huge, and far too much space to cover in an hour.

     In defeat, I picked myself off of the floor and trudged my heavy feet up the stairs, growing quite tired of the game Luke was playing. 

     "Looking for clue number 5, Miss Dunning?" Luke teased as I passed the doorway. However, I stopped in my tracks and backed up, only to see him sitting on his bed in his space themed room.

     "No, I came up here for hot 'I'm-so-mad-at-you' sex and a back massage." I rolled my eyes and began to scan the room. There seemed to be an absence of moons for a solar designed room.

     "I'd take that any day." He winked and pushed himself off the bed. He opened the door to his closet and I saw it, the paper moon, hung above his clothing rack. The next clue stuck out of the pocket of one of Luke's many suit jackets. It seemed odd that he had them, but again, he probably used them the same way my brother did. Reaching around him, I grabbed the next clue.

     "Is my picture still hanging in her locker?" It read, and immediately the Blink 182 lyrics swarmed around my brain and I began humming.

     "Geesh, even your humming is beautiful." Luke muttered under his breath. I felt a smile pulling at the corners of my mouth, but I bit my lip to suppress it. I still needed my clothes.

     There happened to be a locker in my room, and sure enough the next clue was tucked inside.

     "Last one, I promise: Mary goes down on the merri-go-round."

     "The Red Hot Chili Peppers!" I yelled, forgetting where I was.

     "Yes, now go get your clothes, dumbass." Luke yelled back. There were two realizations in this moment; 1. I didn't know where to find a playground. 2. I had 10 minutes until Luke's friends showed up.

     "Luke, where am I supposed to find a merri-go-round." I asked, walking back to his room.

     "Just look around, beautiful." He gestured with his hands.

     "I don't get the point of this." I crossed my arms.

     "My enjoyment, now go." He shooed me back down the stairs and out the front door.

     It wad unbearably hot. As a girl that spent most of her time inside, and the time spent outside was in northern America, this was the equivalent to Satan's ballsack.

     "I'll make him pay." I swore, beginning my rounds to find that damn merri-go-round.

     "Looking for something?" His mom yelled from one of their gardens.

     "Yes, my clothes." I yelled back.

     "Well, dear, I think you're looking in the wrong place." She laughed, standing up.

     "No, Luke took them hostage and sent me on some scavenger hunt to find them." I told her, and she just laughed harder.

     "Well, then let's find your clothes, where are you supposed to look?" She offered. I showed her the card and she gave me a nod.

     "Luke's little play set, follow me." She led me in the other direction towards the area the pool resided in.

     We turned the corner of the house to find the pool, a trampoline, and Luke's "little" play set. It was a large, metal contraption of slides and ladders, swings, and low and behold, a merri-go-round consisting of all my clothes.

     "Thank you so so much." I hugged her and went to collect my clothes.

     "He must really like you." She whispers and walks away. It doesn't seem like it if he felt the need to hide my things. Regardless, I smiled and nodded, unsure of what the proper verbal response would be.

     A piece of paper was on top of my one suitcase.

     "I like her 'cause she's smart, head strong, and independent. She keeps me in my place, but I don't know where I stand." I looked up to find Luke peering out his window, I grabbed my things and bolted back to the house thinking about where he did stand. He was more than I had ever hoped for or imagined, but what was he?

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