Chapter 11

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     "You STILL haven't put your clothes away?" Luke looked at my bedroom. The boys had left after several rounds of fuse ball and everyone kissing Luke, but me. Like I said, it was his turn to suffer. I smiled internally, thinking about the playful glares he'd give me after each game.

     "Pardon me, sir. I couldn't exactly do that when I had to pick up my intimate belongings and then get dressed to meet your friends downstairs all in a 20 minute period." I threw his sass right back at him.

     "Okay, fair point. But seriously, put your clothes away. I want you to feel at home here and you can't do that if all your stuff is packed." His face softened.

      "Luke, I've been here two days and this feels more like home than my real home. Calm down." I stated, giving him a brief hug before embarking on my journey to throw random things in drawers.

     "Oh my god. Organization, Jasey." Luke threw up his hands, frustrated in the manner I was putting away my clothes.

     "Oh my god. My clothes, Luke." I teased back.

     "Who puts their socks with their shorts?" He asked.

     "Obviously, me." I continued my work of grabbing handfuls and shoving them in the drawer.

     "But everything will get all wrinkly." He whined.

     "I like the hobo look, now shoo." I said, pushing him lightly toward the door.

     "Oh no you don't." He grabbed me by my waist and spun me around, holding me in his arms.

     "You're distracting me, Mr. Henderson. I wouldn't want to have to go on another scavenger hunt." I poked his nose and wiggled out of his arms to carry on with my task.

     "Fine." Luke threw himself on my bed and pouted. He very much resembled a four year old that was just told the ice cream truck made its final run of the season before he got home from school.

     I turned my attention to throwing the rest of my clothes in miscellaneous places, trying not to feed into his obvious need for attention.

     "So, Jasey, with all of that money we collected, I'm taking you out tonight. I want to show you Sydney in all its glory." Luke announced triumphantly after my final clothing item was in its place.

     "You mean I get to see the big city, Pa? With all those shiny lights and people who haven't seen my underwear?" I teased him.

     "Shut up and put on a dress, loser." He rolled his eyes and walked out of the room. I looked in the closet I had just hung up anything of true value in. My dress option was slim to none, but I settled on a blue, floral print sundress. Everything else just seemed too hot for comfort.

     I released my hair from the bobby pin and hair tie mess it had been in and attempted to flat iron it. After several feeble attempts at keeping it flat, I gave up and twisted it into a loose braid, allowing pieces to fall out here and there. Placing my converse on the corresponding foot, I left the room.

     "Well damn, Jasey." I heard Sarah squeal from a room I'd never been in.

     "Thank you?" I said, unsure of the level of compliment it was.

     "Mom." Luke responded, appearing behind me. He wore a well fitted skinny jean suit and black converse. I thought he was attractive in sweatpants, but damn the boy could clean up.

     "What? She looks beyond lovely. The natural look suits you." Sarah gushed.

     "Well, we're off." Luke directed the conversation.

     "Home by 1, or I call the cops." Sarah warned before disappearing again.

     "Dude, I really love your mom." I told Luke after she had left.

     "She really loves you too." He murmured as we walked toward the jeep. The effort I had put into my hair seemed pointless after the 20 minute ride in a jeep missing most of its metal, but once we finally arrived in downtown Sydney, I didn't care.

     It was like any other big city, really, but big cities always fascinated me. It was just the idea of being small in a big world that made me fall in love with every city I'd ever been in. Sydney, Australia was no exception.

     "Never been to a city before?" Luke questioned, noticing my amazement and the little shops and beautiful bistros.

     "No, just love falling in love with cities." I shrugged.

     "Well, on the agenda tonight, we have dinner reservations at Fish on the Rocks followed by a walk under the fairy lights around town and falling in love with this city." He squeezed my hand and pulled me into a restaurant. It reeked of seafood and high class snobs, a smell I knew far too well.

     "Reservation for Henderson." Luke said to the hostess in the most calm manner possible. How he didn't fumble over every word was beyond me. Perhaps he was just that charismatic, but something tells me it had come from practice.

     "Ah, 5 star 'here's half an ounce of food.'" I joked, looking at the pictures on the menu.

     "Yes, but there is a bakery on the end of this block that I want to stop at. They have the absolute best Amish whoopie pies. The only place in Australia you can get them authentic." He rambled and an excitement formed at the pit of my stomach. Amish food had always been a favorite of mine since I was a child.

     "Well then, I have no clue what's good here, so feel free to order two of whatever you get." I gave up all decisions to Luke. I had no clue what sounded good as the menu was jibberish to me, and the aura of confidence Luke was putting off gave me the idea that he'd been there before.

     "Okay, love." He said as the waitress came up to take our order. He listed off several things in what I assumed to be Japanese, and I sat there quietly, nodding. Occasionally, I'd receive a smile from one of the two, and after a minute or two, the waitress left.

     "You know Japanese?" I asked.

     "Only a little. Trust me, when we get to the bakery you can ramble on in German. That's all the woman speaks." He smiled at me. A grin spread across my face. German was a second language to me and I had missed using it on a daily basis when talking to another internet friend in Germany. Boy, did I miss her.

     "To falling in love with new places and beautiful people." Luke raised his glass to a toast, and I raised mine to meet his.

     "To new adventures and cute, Japanese speaking, boys." I added on to the toast and clinked my glass on his. He turned crimson.

     "Do you really find me cute?" He asked, embarrassed, yet flattered.

     "Lucas Henderson, I find you beyond cute." I reassured him, looking into those seas of eyes he had. Suddenly, my phone began ringing.

     "Jasey?" I heard a familiar voice as I picked up my phone.

     "Mom?" I questioned, feeling my heart sink.

     "Its Friday, I told you I'd call." She reminded me, and I excused myself to prevent glares from those around us.

     "Yes it is. Everything okay?" I asked, trying to make conversation.

     "Well, no. It's your brother." She began, and my hear sunk even further.

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