This Goes Out To My Twin

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I hope she sees this. I cry every time you send me those texts... You are my twin! You are my love! I wish that I could text you back but the dam thing won't let me! I miss you so much!! This is the only way I can text you!! Please see this... you have no idea how much you mean to me... I will always smile for you! I still kept those pictures and the 13 thing! I always and forever keep them! You know me too well! And I will keep crushing on dumpster boy.. haha good name for him to... it's just... so empty without you!!! Please! I need you! I can't wait! One day we will see each other and be together! Forever! I FUCKING HATE THIS! I hate being away from my true friend! I finally found you! I can't lose you now!! I'm sorry! I'm sorry I did this to us! I'm sorry about my mom! I'm sorry!! I need you back in my arms! Please! Keep texting me! Even if I don't respond you know I'll always see it! Your my true TRUE best twin ever!!! Please!!! If you leave... you will take my heart with you... I'll send all my love with you.. I want people to keep being themselves... and love who they want to love and love who they are. But it's hard... It's hard to know someone you love you can't see them any more... it hurts everyday.... WHY CAN'T YOUR FAMILY JUST LET ME SEE YOU ONE MORE TIME!? Those texts you send me mean so much!! They mean everything!!! I'm sorry it took me so long to respond but I did!! Please!... I'll keep your smile!! I'll smile just for you!! And always for you!! My Best Friend... My Sister.... My Twin... how....!? How can I smile when your not here!! I LOVE YOU!!! My heart it a fail without you!!!! Do you know how much I remember being with you! Having fun!? I will Never! Ever! Replace you! I can't! I just won't! I can't except this either!! I wanna do something! I need you back in my arms! I WANT MY TWIN BACK!!! I hate!!! Fucking hate!! Living like this! Your so fucking important to me! How can I look at anyone else without you standing be my side!? Nobody understand me... but you... you do. You don't have to say sorry. This is all my fault... I'm the one who told my mom.. I'm the one who started this.. I WANNA FIX IT! I missed being with your family!! It was the best fan ever!! But... now look at us... I need you! Come back....!.... please.... keep texting me.... I miss you.... I Love You!! ❤️💕

I woke up. The first thing I do is go onto my phone. And now.... I can't text her.... again..... it's probably her profile picture because when it was changed I always got to text her. OMG that was amazing to finally text her back. But now.... I can't..... I don't understand why this fucking thing can't let me text her.... and now.... what?... I have to wait again..... I MISSED HER SO MUCH! I'm just so tired..... so tired of everything.... but I'm not tired to not give up. If waiting is gonna be in my life now. Then I'll wait until I can text her back for however long it takes. I won't like it but..... let's hope..... I still Love You Twin♥️

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2019 ⏰

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