When Six Fall, One Shall Remain

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You slammed the flat side of your blade into Alpha's side, sending him flying across the field. Error appeared behind you and raised his sword above his head. Without turning around, you raised the hilt of your sword and knocked it into Error's stomach. Error grunted in pain and fell to the ground.

Before you could finish him off, Alpha flew forwards and dragged Error out of the way just as your sword struck the ground. You narrowed your eyes and plucked your sword from the earth.

Error and Alpha eyed you warily as Error clutched his stomach tightly with a distinguished grunt.

"We need to get her back to normal somehow. Alpha, if you could just get Seventh's soul back to her body, then maybe she'll come to her senses and take out the other dusks." Error suggested. Alpha put his hand to his chest and nodded.

"It's worth a try. But I can't get close to her." He pointed out. Error bit his tongue and he wracked his brain for ideas.

Quorum zipped around the purple stone guardian as Little blinded it with Plue's gun. Fake kept stray rocks from hitting Little. Quorum reached down and grabbed the guardian by the ankle. He then heaved the large being over his body, throwing it to the ground. That's when the three Astros begun their rounds of fire.

King dodged another spear and flew up to the green guardian. He then landed on its arm and ran up along it. Zombie grabbed hold of the discarded spears and threw them back at the warrior with the same amount of strength.

King took out his sword and dug it into the dusk's eye, blinding it. The dusk squealed in pain and lashed out on the king of robots. King struggled to hold onto the stone warrior while Zombie grabbed another spear and flew up to it. He then drove the spear into the Dusk's remaining good eye.

The green stone warrior grabbed both King and Fake and threw them to the ground. Zombie sucked in a sharp breath at the sudden impact while King groaned.

Verse gripped his sword tightly and pointed it at the yellow stone warrior challengingly. He then took on the warrior's bullets head on with his own army of swords. He fired the magic bladed bullets while Dark and Toby crept up behind it.

Toby pointed his blaster at the back of the warrior's head. Dark used his sword to rip open the helmet, giving Toby an opening. Toby fired just as the yellow stone guardian back headed Toby in the face. Toby cried out as he was sent flying. Dark gasped.

"Toby!" Toby struggled to get a hold of himself as his body zipped through the air. Pandemonium was about to throw his own attack when Toby crashed into him, knocking him to the ground. Pandemonium gasped and struggled to get to his feet. He then eyed Toby with mild surprise.

"You sure like to knock into people." He commented. Toby sweat dropped and gave him a nervous shrug. Pandora wrapped the blue stone warrior in chains and eyed the two Astros.

"Get back into action!" She shouted. The two nodded and went back to their respective battles.

Starfire and Sapphire both charged up their laser beam canons while Robot and Truce struggled to hold the orange stone warrior in place.

"H-hurry up already!" Truce cried. Sapphire gave him a warning look to shut up before the two canons were ready.

"On the count of three, one-"

"Three!" Starfire exclaimed as she shot her beam, Sapphire following shortly after. The two beams combined into one and hit the stone warrior dead on. However, Robot and Truce got the after math. Sapphire glared at Starfire while Truce and Robot dusted themselves off.

"You idiot! We almost messed that up because of you!" She shouted. Starfire rolled her eyes and glared at her.

"We won didn't we? Stop throwing a hissy fit already, geez." Starfire mumbled. Robot and Truce glanced at each other nervously and chuckled.

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