Palaye Royale

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Kropp Circle (2008-2011) turned into Palaye Royale. The name Palaye Royale is from the dancehall that their grandparents met for the first time, Palais Royale. 

Official members:

Remington Leith (lead vocals), Sebastian Danzig (guitar and keyboard) and Emerson Barret (drums and piano). They are all brothers and come from Canada. 

Who's who? Remington is the one with spikey hair, Sebastian has dark longish hair and Emerson is the artsy guy with a hat.

Touring members:

I am not intierly sure, but I've seen another bassist/ guitarist at their concerts. I think his name is Daniel or something along those lines. 


Fashion-art rock band. It's a genre made by the boys

Social media:

Twitter, Instagram, YouTube


Boom Boom Room (Side A)

Boom Boom Room (Side B)

The Ends Beginnings (EP)

The fans name:

The royal council



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