Garden Boy🌱|Sadie

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After dinner I footed upstairs to my room where I laid down and sighed.
two knocks at my bedroom door woke me from my light sleep.
"come in" I groan.

"Hey kiddo.. I guess I should tell you why you're here; really."

"Okay.. shoot." I say sitting up and crossing my arms over my chest.

Joseph sighed. "Your parents worked out an agreement with your facility that if you complied to your treatments that you could spend the rest of your six month confinement with us here. He paused. "So your Aunt Jenni and I thought it would best that you work at her family nursery until your time is up here." 

"Why?" I say as confusion plasters on my face. "They didn't bother to write or call me." "Did dad even mention the shiner he left on my face the last time we spoke?" I was growing furious.

"Look Trev, I'm doing a favor for my sister and regardless of what your father has donei'm helping out the best way I know how , I don't necessarily like this arrangement either but either way you're going to work" he says sharply.

"Okay Joseph.. I'll think about it" I say dryly.

"There's nothing to think about. you start work next week." he says walking over to the door.
"Oh and tomorrow we'll see about enrolling you into a school couple blocks from here" he adds.

I nod my head annoyed over the conversation. 

"Great, another new fucking school" I mumble. as I turn the lamp off and try to go to sleep.

"Trevor, slow down!" Sadie screams as I make a sharp turn
I tell her to calm down as i've taken the path many times and I knew my truck could handle it.
"Trevor i'm serious" she said looking at me, I could see the fear in her eyes.
"Okay ..Okay" i say as I take my foot off the gas and lightly press the breaks.
but that wasn't enough , my  truck didn't slow down in time and I knew I was approaching the lake I reached for the emergency brake but it was too late.. an on coming SUV swerved into our lane and accelerated my car into the lake.
all I remember seeing is Sadie and feeling the truck flip out of control.
bushes and leaves blew in through the windows and our helpless bodies flew back in forth.
she broke through the windshield and didn't make it.
she couldn't swim fast enough
the water filled up her lungs quickly
I couldn't find her in time.
My girlfriend... was gone.. just like that.
and I couldn't save her.
I awake from my sleep in a cold sweat panting and gasping for air as if I was still in that lake looking for her body.

I cradle my face into my palms as I sit up trying to stop my mind from racing. 

I can still hear my parents trying to negotiate with the police. 

I can still hear Sadie's parents screaming as the doctor pronounced her official deceased.

I can still feel the stinging blow her dad's fist landed on my cheek after he charged at me at the hospital.

I can still hear my sobs of what felt like endless apologies to both our parents as they tried to pick me up off of the floor.

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