Garden Boy🌱| an older buick

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I wake up still groggy and a bit confused.
My head pounded as I prop myself up against the head board. I look around the room, reminiscing on my deceased girlfriend.
A small smile appears across my face as I  walk over to the bathroom.
I run the water for a bit gazing into the mirror 
I let out a puff of air as I reach for a new toothbrush.
"you're such a piece of shit Trevor." I say running my hands through my hair. I start a steaming shower and hop; sulking for a bit before washing my body.

My mind and body are constantly at war.

I wish I could undo the pain I have caused. I wish I could go back and deny myself the thrill. I wish I had warned Sadie not to get in the truck; that we could have a day at the lake another time. I killed her. She feared me until her last breath. I wish I could've stopped the truck. I wish I could've told her I loved her.

 I let everyone down. I let her down.

I stepped out drying my body.  I threw on a black t-shirt, blue jeans, and black tennis shoes. I fluffed my hair in the towel again then kissed the urn necklace I had made with Sadie's remains before walking downstairs.

"Oh good! you're awake" Jenni says as winnie runs over to me running around my legs.

I gently push her aside as I hold back a sneeze.
"Morning Jenni" i say as i sit down at the bar.

"morning Trevor, I hope you like omelettes and bacon." she smiles sliding the food on the plate in front of me.

"i know you haven't had a proper meal in a long time — OJ?" she adds.

"Ye-" i start as i begin to nod , my mouth full of Omelette.

she chuckles as she pours the juice into a slender glass.
"Thank you. This is great!" I say taking a sip.

"No problem— Morning honey" she says as Joseph enters the kitchen.

"Good morning Darling." he says kissing her cheek.

"Morning Trev" he adds.

"Morning Joseph" I say wiping the corners of my mouth.

"After breakfast, i'd be happy to take you into town, show you around" he says sitting down next to me as Jenni fixed his plate.

"Cool" I reply downing the rest of my juice.

"So Joseph tells me you agreed to work at the Nursery?" Jenni says. I look over at Joseph and smirk slyly.

"I didn't have much of a choice but I guess it could be good for me to clear my head." I say as I get up placing my plate and utensils in the sink.

"Thank you." Jenni smiles. "Means a lot." she added.

"your mom called" Joseph says as he forks down his omelette.

"and?" I say dryly. 

"She called to talk to you and see how you were doing" he replies taking a sip of his coffee.

"Tell her I feel as good as someone who was disowned by his own damn parents!" I say as I walk over to the mantle admiring the baby pictures Joseph had of me and my little sister Tessa.

I miss her the most, i'm sure she thinks I died or maybe my manipulative and embarrassed parents told her i was deployed in Europe somewhere with no way of contact. Anything to protect her innocence.
She should be about 6 now and I'd give anything to see her now.

"Trevor.. they love you... Ben didn't mean it" Joseph says as tries to find the right words to say.
"Just like he didn't mean to hit me the night they left me?" I hiss as I turn to face him.

the room grew silent and Jenni looked at Joseph with somber eyes like she was sorry for what just took place.

"Honey why don't you go wait for us in the car" she says as she tosses me the keys.

I take one last glance at Joseph and shake my head before walking out of the back door.. really Jenni? you trust me with your car?

Twenty minutes had gone by and my aunt and uncle was no where in sight so I took it upon myself to go site see on my own. I have a little cash in my pocket and no cell phone but I'm sure they could find me in this small outdated town.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I slowly approached town and I noticed an elderly lady struggling to haul a couple of house plants— I parked the pick up in a near by spot and calmly approached her.

"May I?" i ask as I pick up a house lily.

"oh.. why Thank you kindly young man... that's my girl over there" she says sweetly, pointing to an older buick.
"it's no problem ma'am" as I make sure the street is clear before we both cross.

"just put em there in the back ..ha hopefully they won't topple over on my way back home." she smiles. although it was an older car you could tell she never missed a routine maintenance check.

"Thank you again young man!" she said as she buckled up. "Here's a penny for your troubles" she said as she slipped a twenty dollar bill in my hands before backing out and driving away.

I looked down puzzled at the crisp twenty dollars. I smile at it. it's things like this that make me want to do good again. not for the money but for the joy of others.
I tucked the twenty in my wallet and walked back to the square where i walked around seeing what Georgia has to offer. After a full day of minor clothes shopping and eating i jogged back to the truck.

'5:30' ticked across the dashboard clock , i knew i needed to take Jenni her truck back assuming she'd be worried, when i got back to the ranch Joseph and Jenni were surprisingly calm ... they figured I just needed to clear my head and learn the road for my own Joseph told me after dinner. "I'm sorry again Jenni.. that was wrong.." i say as i watch her spoon out two scoops of vanilla ice cream into a tall glass followed by root beer, a straw, and a spoon.

"it's alright honey" she says sliding the glass down the bar to me.

"thanks" I smile. I admired Jenni she had a heart of a teenager and the mind of a well self sufficient woman.. something I wish my mother had.. although i've only been here a day now I could see Jenni being someone i could confide in when i needed a motherly figure.

she understood me. she understood that i just needed to site see.

Garden Boy 🌱Where stories live. Discover now