Sugar Cream Pirate

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OKay, let me explain how this design went from 💎 🎀 🔭 to... this. 

First of all, the first thing I think when I see a telescope is "pirate". And the diamond emoji only made me think of pirates more and so I posed her after a pirate/sailor kinda?? And I gave her a bandana. And then when I was colouring her I was like damn,,, I want the colours to be kinda pink cause the colour on the bow is pink but I couldn't just go straight pinks so I gave her a sandy base colour (like y'know cause pirates) and then the bow made me think of ribbons so I gave her some swirly patterns like the dancers? with the ribbons who like swirl them in the air and stuff. and then the diamond like, made me think of sparkles so she gets freckles and also I feel like? cute adventure cats have to have freckles. My cat is an adventure cat and she has freckles. not on her face but STILL.  and then I was like mmm needs more diamond so I put the diamonds on her paws and yeah idk I have galaxy brain syndrome

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