Out Of The Blue

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Not all panic attacks are triggered by something huge or terrifying; Some just happen seemingly out of nowhere. Some come on when one is just sitting calmly on the couch. This is what happens to Sam...He, Jake, Colby, Tavin, Corey, and Aaron are hanging out and playing video games when Sam starts panicking all of a sudden. Colby and Corey take notice of Sam's sudden change in demeanor, and when Sam suddenly leaves the room and rushes upstairs, Colby and Corey decide to investigate why.

TRIGGER WARNINGS: Anxiety/Panic attacks, Swearing
"Yo! Everyone in the tv room!! Tavin and I are about to kick some serious bootaaay on Rocket League!" Corey yelled. Aaron walked in from the kitchen and sat down on the couch. Sam and Colby rushed down from their separate rooms. "Hey, Tavin! This is the new GoPro I was telling you about. Took me forever to find it." Sam chuckled as he sat down next to Tavin and handed the latter a small camera. Tavin turned it over in his hands. "Oh cool! It films better than the old one?" Tavin asked. Sam nodded. "Yup! The image is crystal clear." Sam confirmed in a goofy voice. "Siiiick Bro!" Tavin copied Sam's weird voice, and the group laughed.

Jake ran in from the garage, yelling "I'm here! I'm here! I'm here! I'm here! I'm here! I'm here!!" until he plopped on the couch in between Colby and Aaron.

"Ow! Dude, your butt landed right on my wrist!" Colby exclaimed over-dramatically. "Oh who cares? You have another one." Jake waved Colby's comment off. "Yeah but that was my good wrist!" Colby said without thinking. Immediately, all the others turned to look at him, each one making a weird face. Colby, realising what the implications were, laughed. "Oh shit! I didn't mean that!" He said through his laughter. The others laughed as well, and they all echoed some form of "Uh-huh. Suuure you didn't. Alright."

"Shut up! Just play Rocket League! I was promised serious booty kicking!" Colby said, gesturing to the tv. "Alright!! We need complete silence on the course..." Corey said in a bad attempt at a British accent. Instantly, all five of the other guys started yelling and making farting noises. Corey stood up and dramatically threw the controller onto the couch. "I said silence!!" He yelled, and he stomped out of the room.

The others started calling him back and yelling fake apologies.

"Corey! Come back, Man!"

"We didn't mean it!"

"Come on, Corey! Tavin can't do this without you!"

"Baby come back!"

Eventually, Corey sulked back into the room.

"Corey! Don't be sad! We'll be silent!" Sam whined. "You pwomise?" Corey asked in a small baby voice. "Pwomise." Sam copied his voice. Corey looked up. "Then lets kick some booty!" He yelled, and sat back down. The other guys started yelling and cheering.

"We need chips!" Aaron exclaimed suddenly. "Why?" Jake asked. Aaron looked at Jake like he was crazy. "This is gonna be the most intense, epic battle of all time! We're gonna need snacks!" He said as if it were obvious. Jake nodded. "Oooh! You're totally right! To the kitchen!" He yelled, standing up in a superhero stance. He and Aaron walked into the kitchen.

As Tavin and Corey we're loading up the game, Sam felt a sudden tightness in his chest. Sam frowned to himself, and re-situated his position in the couch.

"You okay?" Colby asked, noticing Sam's expression change. Corey, having heard Colby's question, looked over at Sam. "Yeah, I'm fine. Why?" Sam asked, fake chuckling. "You just seemed uncomfortable." Colby commented. "Oh. No, I'm fine." Sam said, looking back at the tv. Corey and Colby made eye contact, and exchanged weird but concerned looks. Colby shrugged. "I'll watch him." He mouthed, and Corey nodded.

Sam Golbach's Anxiety-Sam and Colby One Shot BookWhere stories live. Discover now