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jonathan walked down the driveway with stephanie hand in hand

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jonathan walked down the driveway with stephanie hand in hand. tonight, he was going to propose to stephanie again. they had recently celebrate Hope's 1st birthday, a few nights ago and decided to have a spontaneous date night. but jonathan had this in mind for some time now. the couple had been doing well, stronger than ever and were having fun spending time together.

stephanie knew something was up, and had butteflies growing.

they made there way towards the secret location, hand in hand.

jonathan took stephanie towards the italian restaurant, that they had grown to love here in there town.

they talked about his career, her's, the kids, family and friends.

they couldn't wait for patrick to marry Amanda. whom he proposed to a few months ago.

stephanie knew something was off with jon, she knew it. she could see it in his face, the shaking of his hands, and the way he was thinking about other things.

they paid the bill and made there way to the car.

stephanie knew something was going on, as he went the opposite way home.

he was taking them to there favorite lookout spot in winnipeg.

where they had there first getaway as a couple, a few years back, where he also asked her to be his girlfriend.

stephanie knew as soon as he pulled up to the lake, where the romantic gazebo was.

he opened her door, and grabbed her hand. she smiled up at her husband, curiously.

jonathan started, "this place holds a special place in our hearts and relationship." she nodded.

"this is where I asked you to be my girlfriend." he started again as they walked into the gazebo, stephanie looking out at the calm lake.

"i knew from the moment i met you, i had found the one. i knew i loved you the first date. i knew i wanted to marry you the second date. everyday, i fall even more in love with you. you find ways to continously surprise me and give me even more ways to love you." he started once more.

"this place is going to hold an even more special place to us." he said, before continuing. "this is where i ask you to renew our vows." he said getting down on one knee. she brought her other hand to her mouth.

"we have been through so much, and through each- we have gone back to one another. i love you so much stephanie and i want to continue to love you and grow our relationship. will you say yes?" he ended. she felt a stray tear, and smiled widely.

"of course." she said before he slipped on a new ring to her left finger before standing up, spinning and kissing her.

:) one more chapter..

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