Chapter 2: New Place, New Life/ First Day At A New School

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You are on your way to your grandmothers house

that is where you will be living for now on. She lives

in a small town called "Chance Harbor" you were

told that this is the town where your mother grew up

in. You just got to your grand mother's house, she

helped you unpack. She showed you your mothers

old room that would now be your room. The next

day you got dressed and got reassured for school.

When you were about to leave for school you said

"Good morning Grandma, see ya later." The left for

school. When you arrive you park your car and enter

the school going straight to the principals office. So

you could get your class schedules and locker

number and code. During your meeting with

Principal Chamberlain she talked about how she

Knew your mother and all of their fun times.

Also told you if there is anything you need just ask

her. After leave the principals office you went to go

look for your locker. You finally found your locker,

someone taps your shoulder. You turn around to see

who it was and you see...

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