Fighting Back

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I was beyond worried now she means so so much to me and if he dares hurt her I'll do whatever it takes to get her back here with me

All of a sudden my phone goes off and I look to see May-Li

'Hey any luck?' She says

'No...' I say my voice trailing off

'Mike? Is she okay?' She asks me

'I came in to see a smashed champagne bottle by the door the door was unlocked and...' I can't tell her she won't understand

'And?' She says

'And there was blood on the bottom of the wall and smears on the shards of the bottle' I say trying not to cry

'Mike you need to call the police' she says

'I can't he rang me and said if I do I'd never see Tracy again' I say my voice stuttering

'Calm down, just take a breath and think okay?' She says trying to comfort me

'Why didn't I spot what was wrong with her?' I ask

'Because you hadn't seen her in six years and shes pretty good at hiding it from what you've told me about her' she says

'You're right but now what do I do?' I say

'Call the police Mike and do not go there yourself you don't know what this guy is capable of' she says

'You're right I'll come back now' I say before hanging up I turn the car around and head to the nearest petrol station only to realise I don't have my wallet on me I must've left it at Seths.

I've got enough petrol to get back there thankfully but after that I'm gonna have to fill up and I don't have time for that right now quite frankly

I go back inside and pick up my wallet off the table when something catches me off guard

There's a notebook and a laptop set on the table it's worth a shot I scour through both but there's no signs of where he's taken Tracy...until I get to the end

07512 867543

Could this relate?

Maybe it does because a message pops up on Seths laptop from that exact same number

About time! Are we meeting today or what?

I've gotta pretend to be Seth it's worth a try atleast

I shakily type out a reply I had no idea who I was getting involved with but as long as I could keep Tracy safe I didn't care what happened to me

Yeah sure man

It dawns on me that I could find out where Seths taken her, from this guy so I ask

Wait a sec man we've met somewhere different before where are we meeting this time?

This could be such a risk

He sends a voice message of the address to go too

'Yeah good point but you better be there I don't care if she backs out' he says before saying an address which I scribble down quickly

Wait...this address isn't the same as the one Tracys phone came up with?

Of course! He recorded Tracy and rang me somewhere else so I'd think she was there I wondered why it sounded so distant and Tracy wouldn't have stopped there if she knew I was on the phone she would've screamed her heart out

I send another reply not only has he made the mistake of revealing his voice but now I knew the address of where Seths keeping Tracy

Or did I? I need to make sure she's there the 'she' that he referenced could be anyone.

He seems to realise his mistake because he immediately deletes the voice message not realising I've recorded it

Cheers man and you're sure you want Tracy?

What kind of question is that? Of course I want her I've waited long enough!! or have you backed out of the deal because if you have I won't be happy! I want what I've paid good money for!

What deal? Oh god no...I was piecing this together now

No the deals still on meet you in ten

I send that and take a breath wondering how I got away with that

At least now I can find Tracy.


The ropes have snapped! And so have I. I stand up and look around for a way to get out I could barely breathe in here

I grab as much together as I can and hide behind the door when I hear him coming

'Hey beautiful you calmed down yet?' He says walking into the room he's shocked to see I'm not where I was and starts to panic I desperately hit him with the pole I was holding as it drops to the floor i look in horror at what I've just done.

I fling the door open and race upstairs only to see another door covered in wire I tug on it and pound on it desperately screaming for help before snapping off bits of the wire and trying to pick the lock but it just doesn't work

'Please' I say desperately 

Something or someone up there must've heard my desperate plea and decided it's not my time to die because the wire works!

I keep feeling like Seths behind me but that's just the anxiety of this situation and that is not stopping me escaping. I open the door and I go to run through it when all of a sudden I feel a tight hold onto my waist as I let out a desperate scream


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