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Before I start, Theodore is the giant tabby cat belonging to adult Callum and Damian.

I started this so long ago which naturally means I hate it, but I need to write so I finished it so enjoy.

"I swear you love that goddamn cat more than you love me!"
Damian doesn't get angry very often, but when he does, his eyes blaze and his voice sharpens, a razor cutting away at its opponent. His strength is powerful, frightening, used to his advantage to disguise the tears that prick his eyes, the tremor threatening to creep into his voice.

"You forgot to feed him."
Callum never yelled and somehow that was worse. He could craft responses instantly, destroying any opposition with his logical mind. He knew where his beliefs lay and wouldn't be swayed, even for those he loved because losing people is second nature to him. And it was impossible to be right if you called Callum wrong.

And yet faced with Damian, his logic was slipping......

Maybe I'm brainless

Was he... perhaps... wrong...?

Maybe I'm wise but

As Damian's tears fell, transforming his face into that of the scared teenager Callum had fallen in love with.....

You got me seeing through different eyes

His resolve is slipping.

Somehow I've fallen under your spell

Spells can be broken.


Callum, his blue-haired boyfriend, his loving fiancée, his "loyal" husband.

By my side

He's a step away. A step and Damian could fall into his arms, but not this time.

We stumbled in the dark

Falling. Falling.

Will they be alright?

I knew we'd be alright

Can they still be alright?

We would be alright

Or has everything changed?


Each boy watches the fear, the uncertainty flash across the other's boy. Each one sees the vulnerability they feel reflected back. Reflected back in the face of the boy they fell in love with.


Callum's quick responses even as his voice trembles.

And strong

Damian's refusal to back down from what he believes.

And beautiful

Beautiful. The things that make them beautiful. They are the things that are now cracking them apart.


Just leave me

As the door slams shut.

Just leave me

As the distance between them grows.

Everything's that's left to say's been said

Even words cannot save them now.

So goodbye

It's over.

Goodbye to all the song and dance

Their perfect duet is shattered to pieces. Their perfect harmony now discordant.

So goodbye

It's over.


Alone. So painfully alone.

Stubborn. So painfully stubborn.

Even as the argument is forgotten, the texts and calls are ignored.

Where they were once perfect for each other, the seams that once held them together are snapping.

Where they were once inseparable, they are now apart.

Just leave me

Who had left first?

Who was at fault?

Could this be fixed?

Just leave me



A month.


Without you

Drowning in work to block out the world but still the memories flood back. Still the tears fall.

I'm just a sad song


Who called first?

Does it matter?



"I'm sorry."

"I love you."

"I miss you."

"Me too."

Just hold me

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