Love never ends

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It's been a while

The first time Damian ever saw Cal cry.

He was curled in a blanket, headphones on, tears streaming down his cheeks, even as he tried to wipe them away. Damian's heart ached at the site.

Cal turned as his boyfriend gently brushed his cheek, settling behind him and hugging him tight to his chest. His lip quivered as he tried desperately to prove he was okay before he gave up, diving to bury his head in Damian's chest and shaking as strong arms hold him, gently rubbing his back and hair.

And Damian doesn't question it, doesn't push, just lets him cry and doesn't let go, because Cal is hurting and that's never okay and he wishes he could take all the pain away but he can't. All he can do is hold him for as long as he needs.

It feels like hours. Damian doesn't even shift. Eventually, Callum's head falls against his shoulder, asleep. Damian lays him carefully down before pulling him back into his arms, softly kissing his forehead and keeping him close.

Okay well this was originally gonna be about Christina Grimmie but this is cute so....

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