Occasion No.1 (22/01/1998, 01:27AM)

9 0 0

Japan, Aokigahara
Unknown personnel, average build, height of 6ft 11in, missing left arm, could not get near subject as all attempts have been met with officers having extreme Hallucinations, several have ended in suicidal attempts and also some attempts of cannibalism and self mutilation.

Log entry 001 (22/01/1998, 11:29PM)
We have just been called out to the Aokigahara forest in mid japan area, to investigate the possible deaths, Also a tall figure has been spotted swiftly moving through the forest, our objective is to find and uncover what the possible figure is.

Log entry 002 (22/01/1998, 11:54PM)
Preliminary search shows no sign of any figure within a 10 mile radius, base camp has been set up around 40 metres from entry and extraction point, all men are accounted and present for all training and work within the base camp

Log entry 003 (22/01/1998, 00:00AM)
Teams of two have been dispatched in 30 minute intervals, remaining 18 men are at base going through any data relevant to the surrounding, may have to cut this entry short as meeting with the forest representative is just 5 minutes away, secondary examination shows that deaths of the two persons on the scene (for confidential purposes will be marked as Alpha and Beta from now on) Alpha has large chunks of skin missing from his left arm and lacerations to his back and chest that are deemed to be self-inflicted, Beta has no missing skin but has both eyes gouged out, scares on their eyes is deemed to be self-inflicted.

Log entry 004 (22/01/1998, 00:35AM)
First team have not returned to post, second team along with third team are going out in search of first team, all communication with first teams have been lost, several quiet ape like sounds have been heard rushing out of the forest, possible need for site closure. Meeting with forest representatives was completed, discussions of history and surrounding area links figure to a small Tribal base around half an hour into the centre of the forest.

Log 005 (22/01/1998, 01:02AM)
Both of second team have not come back and only one of third team has returned before carving 2 six digit numbers into their stomach, after which letting out a inhuman-like scream, no other inflictions onto third team A's body have been found, possible early extraction is advised

Log entry 006 (22/01/1998, 01:24AM)
Further examination of the third team A's body uncovers that at 00:48am both teams encounter first teams remains, at co-ordinates 35.4626° N, 138.654° E, which match up with carvings on third A's body, this is 2 minutes away from base camp, all remaining teams are heading on foot, aggression and use of arms has been strongly advised.

Log entry 007 (22/01/1998, 01:27:00AM)
Figure has been found, I repeat figure has been found, first inspection is that it is wearing the skin of tribal members, leathery skin is to be seen poking out, all attempts to subdue figure has failed, figure does not look aggravated and looks more remorseful, 6 men have tried to approach figure before having fits of screams and all have harmed themselves severely, none survived.

Log E 8
I don't have much time, all men have exhibited same responses as the first 6, immediate closures of forest is enforced, pen has now been placed into my arm and all attempts for surrendering have failed, death is inevitable

Log entry 009 (22/01/1998, 02:00AM)
Humans have all died due to self inflicted damage.

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