Occasion No.2 (23/01/1999, 8:46AM)

4 0 0

Russia, Salekhard-Igarka Railway
Unexplained beast seemed to be roaming around, hunched on what seams to be all fours with an extra leg in the centre of its body, height of around 3ft 6in and length of around 132cm. Seems to be searching for something or someone, growls can be Heard in a 10-20 metre radius.

Log entry 001 (23/01/1999, 5:59AM)
The SCP investigation team foxtrot, delta, 2143 has been called to an abandoned railway in the centre of Russia, possible site of a new SCP creature, a squad of 60 have been assembled with the latest equipment, the immediate area has been evacuated and casualties are at a critical level, 6 bodies have been found in the near facilities with all limbs savagely ripped out of their sockets, beasts of this size and aggression would use this as food to refill any energy but this was not the case, all six have had their tongues torn out of their heads and a half eaten tongue was found around behind a door which suggests that the creature was in a rush to find something or someone

Log entry 002 (23/01/1999, 6:02AM)
A further 40 men have been dispatched to our location, creature class is being determined I write this, we know the direct location and where about of the suspected newly found SCP, a few of the team have made the observation that's creature seems to be lost and somewhat scared of where it is, however an RCXD has been attacked by the same creature, tearing its way through the steel plating in seconds, possible sedation is advised

Log entry 003 (23/01/1999, 6:27)
We have finally reached the creature, attempts of sedation were successful, the creature didn't seem to want to act hostile towards us and just looked at all 100 men with a blank facial expression, before sedation, creature was seen scanning around the 100 men with his eyes, predominantly at the left arm of them as if he was searching for something, creature is being transported to nearest SCP site, it's class is Euclid and will be now known as SCP 112497

Log entry 004 (23/01/1999, 8:30AM)
We have safely reached the SCP site and the creatures posture and facial expression looks more calm, it has been sat on two legs for the whole journey, it even walked out of transport and didn't attempt any escape or violence towards any site staff, everyone is on edge and I am happy to report SCP 112497 has been safely captured and cataloged, has been placed in holding perpetual cell 23G-644 on the 38th floor of the underground site, time before examination is 30 minutes

Log entry 004 (23/01/1999, 8:46AM)
Creature seems to have made itself at home, not attempts to leave facility, toys and crayons have been given to the creature and seems to be using its fifth leg to draw something, sent two men in and they can not make out what it is, waiting for analysis, every 30 minute the creature howls with the same velocity of a jet engine, windows have had to be reinforced to stop shattering.

Log entry 006 (23/01/1998, ?:????)
Creature has drawn crude drawings of horrific scenes, including men and woman it has seen through out the day, possible plans to break out, security has been doubled in that area, it doesn't feel like it but a few men have felt dazed and forgetful, forgetting what day it is and what time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2019 ⏰

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