Chapter two

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Picture of Tyson above

Michael's POV

I was in my third period class, Biology, and I was half-paying attention on what the teacher was saying. I wasn't paying full attention because Nathan kept distracting me with pieces of papers he had written words on so we could have a 'conversation'.

He was trying to convince me into going to a party his friend was holding this Friday and you know me, I don't like parties. I don't really hate parties but it's because I'm anti-social and I don't fit in with what people are doing like make out and drink. I'm not that kind of person you know.

Anyways, my focus was back on the teacher until Nathan poked me which made me look in his direction and he gave me another piece of paper. I mentally groaned and collected it from him and read it.

'Come on please. I promise you'll have a good time. I'll stay right beside you and if you feel like going home, just tell me.'

I know what some of you are thinking. You're thinking 'Dude why don't you go to the party and use that opportunity to kiss him, or go beyond that and then say it was a drunken mistake?'  Well you see, I'm not that kind of person.

I literally painted a big 'Noooo' with my red pen on top of his writing and gave it back to him with a smirk. He read it and he had a frown on his face. He then began to look at me with his puppy eyes.

No Michael. You gotta resist. Just don't look at him.

I tried my best but my eyes kept turning to his beautiful green ones. I sighed in defeat. "Fine. But only if I get outta there before eleven." I said with a straight face. His face lit up in excitement and he was smiling from ear to ear. I couldn't help but smile back at him, that is, before the teacher called me.

"Michael, do you mind sharing what you're telling your best friend with the class?" The teacher asked with a cocked brow. By now I was gaining attention from everyone and I hated it. "I'd rather not." I said with embarrassment. "Thought so. Don't let it happen again." He said in a warning tone and I just nodded and he continued teaching.

I heard faint chuckles beside me and I saw Nathan and one of those my 'friends' Sam, laughing quietly. I just glared at them and paid my full attention back to the teacher.

The class was over and I was at my locker with Nathan beside me telling me how I'll enjoy myself at the party.

"And there's truth or dare, spin the bottle, seven minutes in heaven and so much more." He completely ranted about things I wasn't interested in. Then one of my real friends came beside us.

"Hey Michael, hey Nathan." Mike said with a smile. He is classified as and nerdy jock. What I mean is that, he is a jock but he's also super smart. I usually drag positions with him in class but I don't hate him. He's a great person. Although he doesn't talk much, he has a particular crazy side that is very funny. He isn't like my other 'friends' that I have to sit with during lunch, which is after this period, and wear a fake smile and pretend to be interested in what they're saying.

Mike, Sammy and Nathan are the only people I like to hang out with and surprisingly Nathan's sister in the junior class. She's prettey like her brother and if I wasn't gay, I would be her boyfriend. But sadly, Nathan here turned me gay.

"Hey Mike. Guess what. Michael agreed to go to the party this Friday." Nathan said with excitement in his voice. "No way. That's impossible." Mike said in disbelief. "Have I ever lied about something this serious before?" Nathan said and Mike's eyes went wide and he squealed like a girl.

"Hey, what's the squealing all about?" A voice asked behind us. I looked and found Nathan's little sister, Angela, walking our way. "Michael's coming to the party." Mike said and Angela gasped and squealed to. I just rolled my eyes at their child act and shut my locker.

And then it became intense when Tyson my 'friend' came. "What's going on. Why are you squealing?" He asked and when Angela told him the news, he was about to squeal but I cut him off. "If I hear another squeal, I'll remove all your vocal chords." I said and they all kept shut. They knew I could do it. They all feared me. I may look shy and skinny but on the inside, I'm a beast.

"Good." I said as I walked pass them to my next class and I heard them all following behind me and talking about me. Why is it the period that we're all gonna be toghter the time they knew about it?

I entered the class and quickly sat in my seat and then the circus came in too and I saw that Sammy had joined them. He to was smiling from ear to ear.

This is gonna be a loooooooong day.


Short chapter. I know. I wanted to add more but I'm sleepy now😴😴.


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