Chapter four

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Picture of David (Michael's Brother)
Michael's POV

The week had gone quickly and today is Friday. The day of the party.

Today, time seemed to go against me because I wanted it to be very slow because I really didn't want to go to that party. But hours felt like minutes, minutes felt like seconds and seconds felt like jiffies.

The school day is over and I'm walking to my car until Nathan caught up to me. "You ready for the party?" He asked with a big grin on his face. As much as I'm in love with him, I wanted to punch his beautiful face. I turned to him and glared at him. "If you mention anything about that party before the party starts, no one will be able to go to the party." I said while lightly poking his muscular chest and he just learned back a little with wide eyes, very sure being scared at my threat.

He didn't say anything and I took that as a cue to leave. I gave an evil smile and went inot my car and sped off to my house.

I reached our house and saw no one's car was there which meant, no one was at home. I was thankful for that because I seriously didn't want to hear the word 'party' at all.

I got out of my car and entered my house and immediately made my way to my room. I opened the door and I saw a set of clothings on my bed. There was a note beside them, I picked it up and read it.

'Thought you obviously needed some help with the clothes.
                                                                Love you,

I sighed and crumpled the note and threw it somewhere and picked up the clothes. They were actually nice, white skinny jeans, white hoddie jacket, blue sleeveless shirt, white cap and white Nike shoes. I have to say, my sister does have a very high sense of fashion.

I dropped the clothes gently on my study table and laid on my bed and started thinking of what I would do at the party. Seriously, what wold I do there? Will I just drink dance, probably make out and then go home? That doesn't seem very interesting.

I sighed and picked up my phone and went through social media at least to pass the time.

Thirty minutes hadn't even gone and I heard the door bell. I groaned and got up and opened the front door. I was expecting Nathan but it was actually his sister, Angela. "Hi." She said with a very bright smile. I gave her a confused look but she kept on smiling. "What the hell are you doing here?" I asked. "Well, since you're going to the party, I thought you might need some help with the clothes." She said still smiling. "Well no need for that. My sister already did it. Thank you very much. Nice seeing you." I said as I closed the door on her face. I turned and was about to leave until I heard a knock on the door again. I groaned again and opened the door. "What do you want?" I asked. "Sorry. I'm just bored waiting for the party and Nathan is still at football practice and I can't hang out with my little brother because, well, he's little and the other girls are out shopping so, here I am." She said with a hopeful smile on her face. I sighed in defeat and pinched the bridge of my nose. "Come in." I said as I made way for her to come in and she gave a little squeal and entered the house.

She sat on the couch and looked up at me. "Can we please watch something, I'm bored." She said. "Why didn't you watch something at home? What's the use of coming here?" I said frustratedly. "Well, you see, um," She started making random words and I just groaned. "Fine. But I'm watching Till I met you." I said and I made my way to the couch and say beside her.

Till I met you is actually a Philippines movie. I love the story line and mostly the male characters. They are all so hot, especially James Reid. And even in the film, his character, Basti -short for Sebastian- converted Ali, a character I do not know his name, gay. Yes, Basti turned Ali gay. I mean why wouldn't he, he's so hot with his broad chest and six pack abs and beautiful brown eyes. But sadly, Basti turned him down. Then he met another handsome god whose name was Stephen -still don't know his name- who was also gay and eventually they had feelings for each other and they got together at the end of the series.

Anyway, when we reached episode three, I noticed Angela moving closer to me. I just brushed it off and thought she was just uncomfortable. Then she moved closer and placed her head on my shoulder and wrapped her hands around my bicep and I just stared at her in confusion.

When it was episode six, the time was, well six so I stopped the film, knowing Nathan will be here anytime. "Well, I need to get changed for the party," I said as I made my way to the door and opened it. "Angela time for you to-" I was cut off by lips pressing against mine. I widened my eyes and quickly pulled away and stared at Angela in shock. "Why did you do that?" I asked trying to keep my tone down because I knew I was angry. "Well, you see Michael, I've had feelings for you for some time and I knew I needed you. So if you just give me a chance-" She started pleading and I interrupted her. "So you did that instead?" I asked, my voice becoming louder. "I'm sorry. I just lost control and I-" She tried to reach out for my hand but I quickly removed it away. Right now, I was angry. "Get out." I said. "But Michael I-" She said and I interrupted her again. "I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT!" I yelled and she flinched and I could see tears forming in her eyes. She should have just fucking told me instead and maybe I wouldn't be this angry but no, she had to kiss me.

"What's going on?" A voice said out of no where and I turned my head and saw the pair of green eyes I've fallen in love with.

What did he get here?


So, what do you think. I wanted to add more drama to the story so I thought siblings with feelings for the same person, hell yes.

Let me know what you think.


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